What Maps Come With Battlefield 2042's Portal Mode On Launch?

Battlefield2042 Portal
Imagine taking down an F35 in one of these old girls... | © EA

Battlefield 2042's Portal mode blew people away last week when it was unveiled at the EA Play Live event on July 22. It was a spectacle, and it's deserving of all the attention fans and press alike has been giving it. But what classic maps will be remastered first for Battlefield's Portal? Is it Ballroom Blitz, or maybe Shanghai? We've got the answers below.

If someone had explained the concept of Battlefield's Portal a few months ago - a sandbox mashup of elements from the franchise's entire history - and claimed it was coming with 2042, they would probably have been laughed at. It's a visionary idea, and the originality alone is worth promoting. But now we've actually seen it, it's hard not to be more excited for this than anything else we've heard about this year's Battlefield installment. Between all the fast cuts during the Portal trailer though, you might have missed the maps being played on, if that's the case don't worry. Here's a quick rundown of all the classic maps we're getting on launch.

Oh, and if you (somehow) haven't seen the trailer yet:

What Maps Are Coming To Battlefield 2042's Portal Mode On Launch?

Battlefield 2042's Portal mode will launch with all seven of the maps set in 2042 as well as the following remastered maps:

  • Battle of the Bulge (Battlefield 1942)
  • El Alamein (Battlefield 1942)
  • Arica Harbor (Battlefield: Bad Company 2)
  • Valparaiso (Battlefield: Bad Company 2)
  • Caspian Border (Battlefield 3)
  • Noshahr Canals (Battlefield 3)

As you can see, they've stuck with the games that came out long enough ago that they're only nostalgically remembered. BF1 might have been more divisive, although I'm certain maps from this title will eventually appear.

Like keeping up to speed with all things Battlefield? So do we, here's a few of the new additions in case you missed anything:

When Can We Try The Portal Mode?

While Alpha Testing has begun, you're probably too late to join unless you followed this article's advice already. The Beta should come in late-august though, so only a matter of weeks until the majority will get their hands on 2042 for the first time.

Whether the Beta will involve Portal Mode we just can't say at this point. Unfortunately, if we had to take a guess then we would say it's more likely EA plays the Beta safe and chooses to stick with bog-standard (but still enjoyable) multiplayer instead.

Which mode looks strongest so far? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter, and don't forget - you should consider joining MyEarlyGame for loads of great giveaways, exclusive tourneys, and a customizable home page.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....