Black Ops Cold War – Beta Changes: Bug Fixes & More

Finally, PC & Xbox players get to join the Black Ops: Cold War Beta party (Image Credit: Treyarch via Twitter)

Prior to the launch of the cross-play beta for Black Ops Cold War, Treyarch has published a list of changes they have made since the first beta weekend. Let's take a look at everything that's been updated.

PS4 players already had the chance to play the beta of the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War last week, from October 8-12. As you would expect from a beta, there were a few bugs and features that bothered the community. You can find a summary of said first impressions/complaints in the link below:

Starting tomorrow, October 15, PC and Xbox players will finally be able to play BOCW. Before the second beta weekend starts, Treyarch has now published a list of changes and fixes they have made since the beginning of the beta. So, let's look at what's changed:


  • Adjusted tuning on the Duster Stock attachment to prevent faster sliding than intended.
  • Increased the cooldown on the Spy Plane to help limit their numbers in the sky at one time.
  • Increased TDM score limit from 75 to 100 for better match pacing.
  • Updated the Assassin Perk description for clarity. (Updated Oct. 9)
  • Slightly reduced damage output of the Milano 821 SMG. (Updated Oct. 9)


  • Adjusted conditions for joining in progress to prevent players from joining matches that are about to end.
  • Moved VIP Escort exclusively to the Featured playlist.


  • Fixed an issue where a controller could become unresponsive when loading into a match.
  • Fixed an issue with multiple Optics being misaligned in ADS and blocking the player's view, including Snappoint, Diamondback, and Hawksmoor attachments.
  • Fixed a bug where players would get "UI Error 66156" when selecting “Add Activision Friends” from the Recent Players menu.
  • Fixed an issue where other players’ names were not visible in the pre-match lobby.


  • Fixed crashes that could occur during the Best Play in a VIP Escort match.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while selecting Operators in the front-end menu.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a SAM Turret missile hit a target when the turret was destroyed.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur if a Gunboat was beached for too long.

All in all, there were a lot of crash fixes and gameplay changes that we can start testing tomorrow. Like last weekend, there will be new content this time as well. We can definitely expect new weapons, maps, perks, score streaks, and more.

Have you already played the beta yourself or are you still waiting for tomorrow? What do you think has to change until the release? Of course, we will keep you up to date and can't wait to finally test Black Ops Cold War on the PC & Xbox.

Find more Call of Duty news here, onEarlyGame.

Original article written by EarlyGame's Lukas Ballat.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....