Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Teased (UPDATED)

Pawn takes Pawn Zombies
We have another Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War scavenger hunt at our hands. (Image credit:

The campaign and multiplayer of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is already revealed, so the only thing missing are the zombies. Instead of an official announcement trailer, however, we get another scavenger hunt. Really, again?

The announcement of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War itself took place over a rather complex scavenger hunt that lasted several days. At that time Activision sent mysterious boxes to several streamers and content creators, which contained slide projectors. After some guesswork, you were directed to the PawnTakesPawn page, where you could see an old tube TV. For over a week, new videotapes were constantly being added there, containing short videos with clues and codes that could be used in Warzone. But enough of that. If you want to read more, check out these two:

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Scavenger Hunt

Keeping with the same approach is Activision. We don't just get a normal damn trailer like anywhere else. Oh, no, no, that would be way too easy. Boxes are being sent to streamers and YouTubers once again. Among them: JackFrags and Drift0r.

In Drift0r's case, the boxes contained an old computer, including a CRT monitor and floppy disks. There was also a manual and a table for entering codes. JackFrags received an old camera with some codes and a USB stick. In total five people received different packages, all of them containing different codes and tips. After some guesswork, we got the date and time, September 23, 12 pm EST, and the internet address:


If you were at the address at the given time, you found a new videotape there. The video shows a man in a hooded sweatshirt asking in a deeply distorted voice how far we are willing to go and how deep we will dig. All the time mysterious codes flicker across the screen, which could only be deciphered by pausing the video.

The content creators entered these codes into their PCs and received pictures of chess boards and new instructions on how to proceed with the new information. The overlaying of the different modified chessboards led again to another PawnTakesPawn page, where a code had to be entered. This code had to be found out from some pictures of the old Activision game Chopper Commando. This code in turn led to a new page, where you could see a manual for Chopper Commando. Again you had to find clues and solve puzzles before you were redirected to a new page that asked you to explore the Great Underground Empire and solve more puzzles that had something to do with fire and air. This time two codes are required, but they can only be entered this evening, September 24, at 18:00 CEST.



Yesterday evening at the given time the two passwords : CovertConflagration and ForcefulGale could be entered on the pawntakespawn page. After that new terminal codes were displayed. Depending on which terminal you had (on the USB sticks sent by Activision), you had to enter the colored code. The code then unlocked another screenshot of Chopper Command which, combined with the screenshots of all other terminals, unlocked a new URL:

Pawn takes pawn document
This document is shown on the new website. (Image Source: pawntakespawn)

The document mentions among others Mason and Kravchenko, two characters from Black Ops 1, and describes the end of the Black Ops campaign. After some puzzling and decoding with the help of the found pictures, one came to another page, which required the input of six Mission Orders. After that was done as well, another page was loaded, showing a green notepad, declaring that today's mission was over and that it will continue tomorrow. But it also showed a handwritten letter, a card and a voice recorder that could be played.

Pawntakespawn Brief
Tatyana could be one of the new Zombie mode characters. (Image Source: pawntakespawn)
Pawntakespawn Karte
The map shows a part of Poland. (Image Source: pawntakespawn)

Both the letter and the audio message are by Tatyana, who speaks of disturbing finds in a war archive. First connections to the meteorite impact in Tunguska have already been drawn, but there are no more details yet. As usual we have to be patient again until we get the next info, which hopefully will be followed by a trailer soon.

At least now it is relatively clear that it is actually about the new Zombie mode. I mean, what else could it be other than that? Campaign and multiplayer are already out, and we know for a fact that Zombies will be making a return in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

What do you think of the new scavenger hunt? The idea and the effort Activision is putting into the build-up to Black Ops Cold War is definitely praiseworthy. Yet, it seems like it's losing its charm when it goes on for days for each part of the game and often leaves us with little to no new information. Many don't have the patience for all of this and would rather to have a good old-fashioned trailer instead.

Stay connected to EarlyGame for the unraveling of this Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War detective case. Kil lsome time with our YouTube channel until something new comes up.