Call of Duty: Player Of The Month August 2021 – Iron

Player Of The Month Iron
The above picture celebrated Iron's 3000th win. Yes, really. | © Iron's Twitter - @lts_Iron

It's that time of the month again, and for our Call of Duty: Player of The Month, we wanted to award the title to probably the best Warzone player in the world. This guy is the ultimate example of someone who takes it slow and plays to win, yep – it's Iron.

The Warzone sweat scene exists on a spectrum. On one end is those with the pure kill-chasing mentality. Aydan is the player that typifies this playstyle best. He doesn't always win, and he's not trying to, but he drops 30 bombs like it's nothing. On the other end of the spectrum are those who 'play for placement'; these are the folks that are completely focused on winning and don't care about their kill count. And at this type of play, Iron is second to none. His whole game, as well as the advice he gives to others, is focused on avoiding pointless deaths and getting good routes into the final circle.

Who Is Iron?

Iron is a Battle Royale streamer who has been focused on Warzone since its launch. He's famous for promoting a more passive playstyle and smarter tactics, which invariably lead to a much higher likelihood of winning. But don't get it twisted - Iron has a 6.5 K/D. So, while he'll avoid fights he doesn't need to take, he's still going to win the vast majority that he does take. Just look at him slap with the Swiss:

Iron is based in North America, and he's been getting more deeply involved in the tourney scene there. You'll probably see him start to produce increasingly more Battlefield content once Hazard Zone (2042's BR) is released.

Like keeping up to speed with all things Call of Duty? Then you've come to the right place, here are some of our recent articles:

Why Is Iron Our Player Of The Month?

Iron has a 49.6% win rate in Warzone (at the time of writing, August 27). Honestly, I'm tempted to leave the explanation at that. That is an insane win ratio, and doubly so, given that Iron is playing so many solos. When Iron jumps into a match, it's basically a coin toss whether he'll beat 149 other people to win. Even for the pro-scene, that is just silly.

But, we also want to mention how good Iron is for the community. There are lots of leaderboard toppers who have stayed largely anonymous, demons who lurk the public servers. But Iron isn't one of them, he uses his skills to give great advice to his viewers, and you can find him on his Twitch most days.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....