Call of Duty Player of the Month July, 2021: ZLaner

Player of the Month Z Laner
Who is Zlaner here, and who is DrDisrespect? | © ZLaner & DrDisrespect

Today we present to you our newest Player of the Month in Call of Duty: ZLaner! The former Fortnite gamer switched to Warzone, and is now one of the most popular content creators for the Call of Duty Battle Royale. The former colleague of DrDisrespect has decent skills, and enjoys some tasty controversy. Here is EarlyGame's Player of the Month for July of 2021: ZLaner!

YouTuber and Facebook streamer Zack "ZLaner" Lane should be familiar to every serious Warzone fan. Even with "only" 321,000 subscribers on YouTube and 736,000 on Facebook, he is currently one of the best Warzone content creators. He regularly takes part in major tournaments, and also fights with giants of the scene like Tommey or Aydan. He also keeps streaming together with streaming legend DrDisrespect.

But why is ZLaner the EarlyGame Player of the Month in July? Read on and we will explain...

Who were our previous CoD Players of the Month? Check them out!

Who is ZLaner?

ZLaner is, like so many Warzone streamers, a former Fortnite player who became known for his streams with DrDisrespect after switching games. The two are a near-perfect team in Warzone, and still stream regularly to this day! "How can they stream together? DrDisrespect has been banned from Twitch!" Yes, of course you are right, and it is still not clear why the streaming legend was banned from Twitch. Fortunately, however, Twitch is not the only streaming platform, with Facebook and YouTube also picking up some of that slack. ZLaner mainly streams on Facebook, but also puts out at least one video per day on YouTube. He's a really productive guy, and his skills in Warzone aren't to be sniffed at either. He is so good that he's repeatedly accused of using hacks and cheats, but it's best to get an idea for yourself...

Why is ZLaner Player of the Month?

ZLaner was banned from a Twitch Rivals tournament because of a DrDisrespect cosplay. In addition to his blatant skills, compassion also plays a role in our choice. The good buddy and streaming colleague of DrDisrespect showed his loyalty by streaming the Call of Duty World Series of Warzone in a DrDisrespect outfit. Apparently that was enough for Twitch to exclude ZLaner from an upcoming Twitch Rivals tournament. Here's the tweet about it:

We still don't really know what sparked the falling out between Twitch and DrDisrespect, unfortunately, but Twitch must have quite the hatred for the streaming legend. As a Facebook streamer without a contract with Twitch, ZLaner probably thought he had nothing to fear. With a suspension for upcoming Twitch Rivals tournaments, however, he would be denied access to some Warzone tournaments with juicy prize pools.

Unsurprisingly, his suspension naturally sparked some turmoil in the community, which led to Twitch speaking out. According to Twitch, ZLaner's suspension was a mistake, and he can now take part in upcoming Twitch Rivals tournaments again. However, the specific reasons for the previous ban were not given. You wonder if Twitch really hates DrDisrespect so much that they want to ban allusions to him from their platform themselves. Perhaps ZLaner's DrDisrespect cosplay was just enough to convince a Twitch employee that the Doc had created a new account...

Anyway, we're here to celebrate ZLaner mainly because his streams and challenges with DrDisrespect are just so damn fun. He most certainly deserves to be EarlyGame's Call of Duty Player of the Month for July 2021! Check out his channels:

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...