7 Vehicles We Want To See In The New Warzone Pacific Map

What 7 Vehicles We Want in Warzone
You've done loads with Outbreak already Activision, just give us more treats like that in the next BR map | © Activision Blizzard

This year's Call of Duty (which we thought was called Vanguard, but may in fact be called Slipstream), will launch with a new map for Warzone set in the Pacififc during WWII. That opens the door for lots of new vehicle types to be introduced to the BR. Here are 7 vehicles that we'd love to see.

It might not be smart to jump into a gold SUV with DMX blaring on the radio, but it's bloody fun, and I'm not going to stop. Neither, I think, will a lot of Warzone players. Vehicles are just great, and the radio tracks have been some of the most popular Battle Pass rewards since launch. So if there is a new Warzone map coming, which we are certain, there will be in a few months, we're hoping we also get new vehicles. Well, the map is set during WWII, so frankly, it would be bizarre if we didn't get new vehicles to replace the 21st century ones we have now. Here are seven we want to see.

Vehicles For Warzone's WWII Pacific Map

7. Patrol Torpedo Boats

Ideally the Elco, for my money the PT boat of WWII, and put to such devastatingly effective use by the Americans during Pacific night raids. This is just the right sized vehicle for up to four players. It's got the armaments to do some damage, but it's small enough to weave along jungle rivers.

6. Staff Cars

A staff car would be there just for fun. Much like the recent dirt bikes, it wouldn't be very practical or effective, but that's all the more reason to let the players get their hands on one. You could go for a timeless classic like the Mercedez–Benz 770, but why not a region–correct Kurogane Type 95 for the Pacific theater?

5. Fighter Planes

We've had helicopters already, but we still need an air–travel option. Why not a WWII fighter plane? Apart from how damn cool that would be, it would also provide some atmosphere for those on the ground - imagine looking up and seeing a dog fight, or hearing the whistle of an engine flying overhead. A Mustang or a Mitsubishi would be the obvious choice for the Pacific, though my personal hope would be for a Hurricane, the Spitfire's less sexy, but harder working older–brother.

Like keeping up to speed with all things Season 4? So do we, here's a few of the new additions in case you missed anything:

4. Motorbike Sidecars

These are just fun. Needless to say, they won't be effective, but they would be such a laugh in duos. I can see it already; speeding through the jungle with a squadmate, hanging out the sidecar, an LMG in hand. The design should surely be based on the BMW R75, by far the most renowned vehicle put to this use.

A wonderfully restored and recently sold R75 | © Pre War Cars

3. Amphibious Personnel Carriers

It's a Pacific map, so almost by definition, we can expect islands and jungle rivers. Let's have a vehicle that can operate on both - in fact, this might be the way players are initially deployed onto the map. If you're going to have an amphibious personnel carrier, then obviously that's going to be a DUKW, the very same used on D–Day, and a vehicle that's already technically been in the last WWII Call of Duty game.

2. Half–Tracks

Half–tracks like the Citroen P–17 would be a wonderful addition to Warzone, not strictly authentic on a Japanese Island, but exciting all the same. These vehicles would essentially replace the current SUV, but with a touch more style, and hopefully, a better chance at driving through the bogs and over the hills.

1. Flying Boats

Yes, flying boats. And I don't just mean prop planes with aquatic landing gear. Flying Boats have to be up there in the first position of this wishlist. Their natural buoyancy allows for takeoff on the water (thereby eliminating the need for massive open runways all over the map) and their size is large enough to house other, smaller vehicles, like the previously mentioned half-tracks. These would be awesome, and there are loads of Pacific-appropriate examples, like the Kawanishi HK8.

That's our wishlist for possible vehicles in the Pacific. To reiterate, none of these vehicles need to be good - we wouldn't want to upset those who rightly care about some balance in Warzone - but they just make the game more entertaining, so come on Activision. Please.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....