Black Ops 4 Death Perception Perk Returns in BOCW Season 5

Bocw death perception bo4 season 5
What is the new Death Perception Perk in BOCW Season 5's Zombies mode? | © Activision

Treyarch are introducing the classic Black Ops 4 Perk, Death Perception, to Black Ops Cold War. It looks fantastic, and we can't wait to use Death Perception in BOCW to give ourselves a better idea of where to find nearby enemies. First, though, what is the new Death Perception in Black Ops Cold War, what will it do, and what are the Death Perception Perk Tier Upgrades? Here's everything you need to know about BO4's Death Perception Perk in BOCW...

Death Perception was an insanely useful perk in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, perhaps a little bit too helpful, and let's be real: many players will be excited to see its return, many players will be dismayed. It's a pretty OP perk, and one that gives you a real edge in Zombies, as you are able to better understand when and where enemies are coming from. Let's take a look at the Death Perception perk in BOCW, what it is, and the Death Perception perk tier upgrades.

Are you hyped for BOCW Season 5? Are you excited to use the new Death Perception Perk in BOCW Season 5's Zombies? What else is coming? Well, let's get you up-to-date on everything Season 5!


What is the Death Perception Perk in BOCW Season 5?

Death Perception will provide the player with increased survivability, armor penetration, salvage drop rates and general awareness in BOCW Season 5. In Black Ops 4, players were provided with an orange outline of nearby enemies through the walls, as well as a small white arrow on the HUD showing their location. Its description in Black Ops 4 was the following:

"See nearby enemies through walls. Receive screen indicators when enemies approach the Player from off screen."

It is unclear whether the BO4 version of the Death Perception perk will be the same as what we'll get in Black Ops Cold War Season 5. What we can be certain of, however, is that BO4's Death Perception perk in BOCW will be insanely useful for players in Season 5's Zombies mode. The real question, though, is how the Death Perception Perk Tier Upgrades will work in BOCW Season 5...

What are the Death Perception Perk Tier Upgrades in BOCW Season 5?

  • Base Tier: Simply Highlights Zombies in red to make them easier to spot.
  • Tier 1: Mini-map update rate increased.
  • Tier 2: Enemies give danger indicators when behind the Player.
  • Tier 3: Gain 20% more looted salvage.
  • Tier 4: increase armor penetration damage by 10%.
  • Tier 5: Nearby chests, resources & item drops are key lined through walls.

Whilst the Tier Upgrades for the new Perception Perk in BOCW Season 5 has not been officially unveiled by Activision, they were actually leaked on Twitter by @TheMW2Ghost, who revealed the above listed set of perks. These perks are relatively good news, as the original Perception Perk in BO4 was not particularly well-liked, due to it being a tad-bit over-powered. This one is less so, and may do well to please fans who are a little worried about the perk's return.

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Evan Williams

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