How to Fix Warzone Memory Error 19-181

Warzone Memory Error 19 181
Yes, sometimes (almost always, actually) Warzone looks like a huge construction site. | © Activision

Warzone has a new error code in Warzone Error 19-181, and it's making life hell for some players. What is Warzone Memory Error 19-181, and how can you fix the new error code? We have a few solutions for you, so here is how to fix Warzone Memory Error 19-181.

Warzone has struggled with bugs, glitches, and numerous error codes since its release. I don't know if you still remember, but regular crashes have long been considered completely normal. While some errors prevent Warzone from starting in the first place, there are others that throw you out in the middle of the game. They are insanely annoying, and appear all the bloody time! The latest error causes Warzone to crash, so here's how to fix Warzone Memory Error 19-181.

What is Warzone Memory Error 19-181?

Since the Season 4 update, Warzone Memory Error 19-181 regularly crashes the game after 3-5 hours of gameplay. The bug is not just limited to Warzone, but also affects Modern Warfare. As with any other memory error, with Memory Error 19-181, a certain storage location on your system is full, leading to a crash. It is quite likely to be linked to your Random Access Memory, or RAM. As annoying as this is, it's no real surprise that new updates, especially those the size of a Season Update, leads to new bugs. Warzone is a huge game, and combines two games with two different engines, features, etc. The introduction of Black Ops Cold War to Warzone demonstrated just how complicated this combination can be.

If you have any more errors in Warzone, we have a few more guides for you:

How to Fix Warzone Memory Error 19-181?

  • Try deactivating HDR, this also helps with Memory Error 0-1766.
  • Disk cleanup is also helpful. All caches, temporary files and Direct X cache files you use can be kept. Here is a guide for Windows 10.
  • If that also doesn't help, you can try to set your graphics settings to "low graphics, high frame rate".
  • A final solution would be to just take breaks. Since Warzone Memory Error 19-181 usually occurs after 3-5 hours, it might be enough to simply restart the game every two hours (annoying, but simple).

Let us know which of these solutions worked for you, or if you have other solutions that could potentially work for other people. In addition, keep in mind that Raven Software regularly release bug fixes for Warzone, so look out for an official fix from the developers.

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This article was originally written by Lukas Ballat.

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...