How to Get the Lost Lion Blueprint in Warzone

Warzone lost lion
How do you get the Warzone Lost Lion Blueprint? | © Activision

New Easter Eggs are appearing across Verdansk '84 in Warzone Season 5: Reloaded. The Lost Lion Blueprint in Warzone is one such Easter Egg, and involves the Red Doors that are scattered across the map. Let's take a look at the Lost Lion Blueprint in Warzone, and answer one simple question: how do you get the Warzone Lost Lion Blueprint?

This particular Blueprint is more than just something to unlock and admire. It might look insanely cool, it might be a Cane with a Lion-Head Handle, but the coolest thing about it is that it is integral for the completion of the Warzone Graveyard Easter Egg. In other words, if you want $5000 in-game cash, and an exclusive Calling Card, then you need to know how to get the Lost Lion Blueprint in Warzone.

Now, you must keep in mind that this is only one part of a multiple step Warzone Easter Egg that we're pretty sure isn't actually supposed to be in the game yet. Look, we're not going to go into too much detail here as we already have in our Warzone Graveyard Easter Egg guide, but we will say that Warzone's Lost Lion Blueprint is super cool and you should check it out even if the Easter Egg didn't exist.

How to Get the Lost Lion Blueprint in Warzone

  • Enter a Red Door in Verdansk '84 using one of the locations listed in the article above.
  • Once you have entered the corridor, search for the "Adler" door.
  • You will know which door the "Adler" door is because it has no lightning bolts, and you hear Adler's voice instead of Stitch's.
  • Enter through the "Adler" door.
  • You will see a selection of chests / supply boxes.
  • Open them and look for the Lost Lion Blueprint.
  • Pick it up.

Yeah, it does seem to be pretty simple to get the Lost Lion Blueprint in Warzone. It won't take you very long at all, and the reward is pretty sweet. You get a badass new Cane Blueprint, and the ability to complete a cool-ass new Easter Egg in Warzone Season 5: Reloaded. Is there anything to complain about? Nope.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...