Why Is JGod's Bizarre 3x Milano Setup So Strong In Warzone?

Milano3x Meta
What is happening right now? | © Activision Blizzard

Warzone's Milano 821 was buffed recently. And by a lot. It's now a meta weapon with JGODs attachment setup, capable of outclassing a shocking amount of competitors at range. Here's the complete loadout.

Something very weird is happening right now in Warzone. The group of weapons we call 'meta' is more varied this season than it's ever been...and the Milano is now in that group. Honestly, there's a sentence I never thought I would be writing. The Milano is allowed to be trash; it's the level one, 'training mission gun' that you immediately exchange for something else. But someone at Raven had a little love for the poor old Milano, and they gave it a huge buff.

How Was The Milano 821 Buffed?

In Update 1.38, Raven buffed the Milano's damage profile when hitting extremities or the lower–torso, and over range. Both pros and players alike were pleased for the Milano, it was good to see an underdog thrive for once, and at first, these buffs seemed only mild, considering how bad the Milano was. Here are the exact changes that happened to the Milano 821 in Update 1.38:

  • Maximum Damage increased from 34 to 36
  • Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 30
  • Maximum Damage range increased by 23%
  • Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2
  • Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1
  • Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1

This was buried beneath a Roze and AMAX nerf, which were presumed to be the biggest pieces of news from those patch notes (I'll hold my hand up and admit they caught my attention more than the Milano buff). But JGOD looked a little more closely. And then he started to run the numbers.

The Milano wasn't just much improved, it was made top tier. And what's even stranger - it's now top tier at AR distances. In fact, the Milano now kills faster than even the RAM–7. Let me repeat that for emphasis: the Milano now kills faster than the RAM–7. YouTuber SparkyGol summed up the community's reaction best:

JGod's Milano Setup
I mean, I get that. | © JGod via YouTube

Yeah, that's why you've seen so many people using these in recent days. Something we never thought we would see. But let's get to the attachments you want on this thing.

Like keeping up to speed with all things Season 4? So do we, here's a few of the new additions in case you missed anything:

JGOD's Milano Attachment Setup

Here it is, in all its glory, JGODs bizarre but broken build:

  • Muzzle: Sound Suppressor
  • Optic: Axial Arms 3x
  • Barrel: 10.5" Ranger
  • Ammunition: STANAG 55 Rnd Drum
  • Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
JGODs Milano
It just works | © Activision Blizzard

We don't know if this is getting nerfed anytime soon, we hope not. Just for the novelty of using a Milano intentionally, we suggest you give this weapon a go. Good luck, and good hunting!

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....