Leaked: The New Warzone Season 4 Weapons

The new Warzone Season 4 weapons have been leaked. They look fun but they're also a clear reminder that we need a clean slate soon. We've got all the details right here.

Some of the most exciting updates we get in Warzone each season are the new weapon drops. They keep the game fresh and offer a new weapon to either topple the current meta or fulfill a new role. Or, you know...they go the way of the AN–94. Well, let's hope these weapons have a brighter future, although they sound ridiculous so we'll see.

What New Weapons Have Been Leaked For Warzone Season 4?

A nail gun, a hammer, a kukri (curved knife from Nepal), an explosive ammo crossbow, and a Chicom CQB are coming to Warzone in Season 4 according to leaks. The Twitter user @ZestyCODLeaks, usually a reliable source of information, announced in this tweet that the following new weapons are coming in Warzone Season 4:

As you can see the new options are largely meleeing weapons - ever popular as a choice of weapon to flex with. While the one actual firearm is a returning weapon for Call of Duty, the Chicom CQB.

CoD scrub? CoD fanatic? Whatever your deal, we got you covered:

When Are These New Leaked Weapons Releasing In Warzone?

Two weapons, probably the Chicom and one of the melee weapons, will be released at launch - June 16, and the other weapons will be released throughout the season. This would follow the ordinary pattern, and the Chicom will likely be the first to launch because it's going to be the weapon getting the most play as an actual firearm. The nail gun, in particular, will likely be released later in the season, it's just too silly not to be tied to a thematic event.

Are The New Leaked Weapons Going To Be Any Good In Warzone Season 4?

Almost certainly not. The Chicom is a submachine gun, so it won't see play outside of being a secondary, and even then it needs to beat the MP5, MP7, LC10, and MAC–10 to be worth using. We already have one explosive crossbow, and it's just too slow to compete. And the other weapons are meme weapons, no one is seriously going to equip a nail gun in Warzone. Who knows, maybe Raven will mess up, and the nail gun will be incredible, but it won't be intentional.

Now the new Warzone drops have become meme weapons and recycled older guns, perhaps we actually need a clean–slate again. When the next game is out at the end of this year we'll have another twenty weapons added to the 60+ weapon pool. They are becoming blander and harder to distinguish from one another, and the problem of balancing will only become more problematic.

June Giveaway
HyperX gear given away for free? We must be having a laugh...Find out with a quick click on the image above. (Credit: Activision Blizzard)

Are you going to be picking these weapons up when they come out? Come on, the nail gun at least had to have you pretty excited. Let us know your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter, and better yet - consider joining EarlyGame today to keep up to speed with the latest and greatest.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....