Parents of Six-Year-Old Streamer Staged Warzone Ban

Rowdy rogan banned from warzone
RowdyRogan is... not... banned from Call of Duty: Warzone! (Credit: RowdyRogan)

When super-young streamer RowdyRogan apparently got banned from Call of Duty: Warzone last week, we all were rather confused. Why was a 6-year-old streaming Warzone, and what on earth could he have done to get banned? Well, that was all revealed when it turned out the whole thing was staged!

RowdyRogan may seem a bit too young to be playing a violent game like Call of Duty: Warzone, and especially to be streaming it live. The reality, however, is that he is...insanely popular! We gotta hand it to the little guy, 84,000 followers on Twitch and 118,000 YouTube subscribers is super impressive! He's also bloody good at Warzone...

We were all then confused on December 10, when RowdyRogan's parents took to his official Twitter account to announce his ban from Warzone. RowdyRogan was reportedly told his "account is permanently banned", and the video showed his disbelief followed by dismay as he begins to cry and hug his father! How bizarre...

So... it wasn't real?

No, silly, of course it was not! We totally didn't get fooled as well, we knew all along. Ha. Ha. Yeah. Well, it was all bollocks apparently - totally staged by his parents to apparently win a competition! Why you gotta pull on our heartstrings like that, dude?

Apparently, the stunt was meant as an entry in FaZe clan's FaZe5 competition... The competition requires participants to make content that goes viral, and well, we expect he'll probably win because WOW did it! The deception was announced by RowdyRogan's parents in the below announcement video on YouTube, where they explained exactly what happened, and how they tricked us all.

So there you have it, it was all rubbish. Jeez, he really had us worried there! Apparently the whole thing was staged, with RowdyRogan's mother logging into Warzone at the same time as him to stage the permaban. Rogan's father also apologized to Activision, because we were all soooo mad at them for apparently banning the little guy. What a bizarre and entertaining series of events! Holy cow in a basket! That was wild...


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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...