Warzone Anniversary: Nuke Event & What to Expect

Warzone bocw ship
Warzone sailed on rocky and smooth seas alike. It's been an interesting year for sure. (Credit: Activision)

Warzone is celebrating its first birthday, and we expect it will be bringing cake. By cake, we mean a Nuke Event, a massive shake-up of the formula, and some other exciting new content. Thus, it's time to put our party hats on, crack a cold one with the boys, and look at what we can expect from the Warzone Anniversary.

If beer's not your thing, then twist open a Mountain Dew, dunk that tea bag (without milk, you monster), brew that coffee, and uncork that wine bottle (fancy-pants). Warzone is one year old, and we are super f**king excited! The year has been long, but Warzone has been with us throughout. Sound good? Well, it was! It's party time:

Warzone Anniversary: A Brief Retrospective

To say we're happy about what Warzone has become, would be an understatement. Last year, 2020, was one of the more... contentious years in our collective calendars. Whilst 2021 is not shaping up to be all that much better, one thing is still here to celebrate: Warzone.

Now, I know what you're all going to say: "Bro, you are always s**ting on Warzone, what the proverbial f**k?" Yes. It is a love-hate relationship, but that is only since Black Ops Cold War came along and royally screwed the game's balance back in December. The game is much improved, as I eloquently explained in this month's meta!

There's, unsurprisingly, a lot to talk about after a year of content, so I am not going to try to break it all down here. We have plenty of articles for you to check out! However, the game certainly won't be slowing down any time soon, and with the Warzone Anniversary upon us, our next year of gaming will probably still be choc-a-block full of Warzone. That's not a bad thing.

Warzone Anniversary: What to Expect!

Warzone microsoft store art
It seems like such a long time ago since we were first introduced to Verdansk's rolling hills. (Credit: Activision)

Look, there are too many options for Anniversary celebrations to even shake a bloody stick at! If that didn't make sense, I meant lots. LOTS. We're going to give you a quick list, because humans like lists, and then we'll jump into what you're all thinking about: the Nuke Event!

  • New Operator Bundles could we perhaps finally see that Soap Operator Bundle drop?
  • Permanent or Semi-Regular 200-Player Warzone – they worked well in the past, when they were only temporary, maybe they should be a permanent fixture?
  • A New or Old Gulag – Let's be real, BOCW's integration brought a pretty s**t new Gulag. With any luck, they could change this up, either a totally new one, or go back to the old one?
  • A New Map, Maybe Ural Mountains – another idea that we have covered in great detail these last few months, if they do choose to destroy Verdansk, they will need a new map (and Rebirth Island won't cut it!). We hope it will be the rumored map set in the Ural Mountains. That would be awesome!

Warzone Anniversary: The Nuke Event

The most spectacular, and most anticipated of celebratory events, is the one that goes "boom, boom". A Nuke Event will be everything we have wanted for Warzone – a huge shake-up. This could be the catalyst for a lot of the other ideas we have discussed in this article, including the new map. We have covered it in huge detail already, though:

Whether it is caused by Zombies, whether it happens at all, there will probably be a whole lot in store for us over the next few days and weeks, as Warzone's anniversary celebrations start to kick off. They sure-as-hell get us excited, and we hope that they will be the next big steps in Warzone's ever-evolving and ever-exciting trajectory.


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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...