How To Be A Terrible Person - The 6 Most Toxic Plays In Warzone

Warzone Toxic Plays
Price is not impressed... | © Activision Blizzard

I've been grinding Warzone long enough for most things not to shock me, but there are still moves that leave me astounded. Here are the most toxic plays I've ever seen from teammates.

A great many fandoms will claim that theirs is the worst. Online lobbies have never been very forgiving. And Call of Duty certainly has a claim to make for being the most toxic. But in Warzone, even while solo-queueing, there's an agreed-upon set of rules or guidelines. Certain things you just wouldn't want your regular squad to catch you doing. Yes, a few nods of recognition there. Whether you're guilty or not, please enjoy a collection of the worst things I've ever seen teammates do. And note, I haven't included shooting people during the initial drop because while it is annoying to die this way, it requires skill and there's a purpose to doing it - so it's not toxic.

The Most Toxic Plays In Warzone

By order of how much it will make people hate you:

6. Dropping (Alone) On The Location You Chose Out Of Spite

This is laughably common, especially in quads, which is why it's the least offensive on the list. If three out of the four teammates agree to go to Nakatomi Plaza then it doesn't matter if you want to land on Super. Don't be petty just follow the group.

Inevitably, the people who fly off alone end up dead in less than 2 minutes and just quit out the game, making three other people's game significantly harder.

5. Popping A Dead Silence To Beat Teammates To A Scavenger Crate

I've seen this only rarely, but it blows my mind whenever it happens. Who is so petty that they use a consumable (and powerful) upgrade to rush to the loot first? Sure, you'll get yourself an armor satchel, but you'll lose the confidence of your team.

Like keeping up to speed with all things Call of Duty? Then you've come to the right place, here are some of our recent articles:

4. Camping A Red Door Room For Loot

Okay, so this is a tactic that does work, but it's just the most scumbag way to play. If you didn't know - the loot rooms that Red Doors take you to are detectable before they're active. If you just tool up with an AR, you can wait outside for some chump to start grabbing their rewards and rush them.

3. Emoting At Someone Who's Downed

The obvious emote is the one pictured above. Putting your middle finger up at someone whose downed is neither big nor clever, but that won't stop the denizens of Verdansk.

One of the sweetest pleasures is to successfully self-revive or have a teammate come and finish them off while they're gloating.

Check out every weapon we saw in the Vanguard alpha, there were some beautiful optics:

2. Graffiti Spraying People In The Gulag

The purpose of this is to make you more visible if you get back into the game. So even if you beat them, and they lose, they can still ruin your day from beyond the grave. And I hate that attitude so much.

We really are our own worst enemies in the CoD community.

1. Using Loadout Or Buy Back Money For Self-Revive

This is rare. You have to be truly awful to do this. I've only seen it a couple of times, but as you'd predict, the team often just leaves in protest, even if the game had been going well.

If there's cash on the buy people know what it's for. No one is paying for other people to get self-revive if they still need guns or ghosty, it's as simple as that.

Are you guilty of some of these? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter, and remember, you should consider joining MyEarlyGame today for exclusive tourneys and loads of great giveaways!

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....