BOCW Crackwatch: What Is It, And Is BOCW Cracked?

Bocw crackwatch
Is Black Ops Cold War cracked? What does that mean, and what is Crackwatch? | © Activision

Black Ops Cold War is featured on Crackwatch, but is BOCW Cracked? We take a look at Crackwatch, and what the website does, why it's a problem for the video game industry, and what it means for BOCW. Is BOCW Cracked? How does BOCW feature on Crackwatch? Let's dive in.

There are few websites that feature such a bizarre and amusing name as Crackwatch. It's a website that sounds like an organization dedicated to the simple art of watching meth-addicts shoot-up. Great entertainment, right? But, let's be real, that's certainly not what Crackwatch is all about. This is a video game website, and we certainly do no condone drugs, kids. Thus, we ask the following questions: what is Crackwatch, and is BOCW Cracked?

Black Ops Cold War might be on Crackwatch, but it's also a great game, and you should definitely spend money on it. Or just play Warzone, it's better, and free... Anyway, here's the latest Call of Duty news...

What is BOCW Crackwatch?

Crackwatch is a website that monitors the cracking status of various games, such as BOCW, on PC. Cracked games are games that have been made available for illegal download, and are being distributed as pirated copies across the internet. Thus, Crackwatch allows you to check whether the game you want is available for illegal download, but it does not provide cracks or illegal files.

Crackwatch provides the date on which the game was originally cracked, as well as information like the game's release date and the DRM protection technology in place. Additionally, there are links to support the original game developers, and an option to follow and get live updates on the cracked status of games. It seems that Black Ops Cold War is featured on Crackwatch.

Is Black Ops Cold War Cracked?

Crackwatch is currently unavailable, and thus we do not have a definitive answer, but BOCW is an online game, so it is unlikely that it has been cracked on PC. The thing about online games is that, due to their nature of requiring a player account and server access, they can't really be cracked. Every now and again, campaigns are cracked and made available separately from the online version of games. However, there is currently no information available on the cracked status of BOCW, and with Crackwatch down for the foreseeable future, it is unlikely that we will find out any time soon.

We want to close this article by simply saying that pirating games is a blight on our industry. It takes money away from the hard-working developers who tirelessly toil to create the games and experiences that we love. A website like Crackwatch is a useful tool to know what has been broken into, and what is being distributed illegally across the internet, but the act of pirating video games is a huge problem. Just pay for the game, guys. It's not that hard!

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...