Where Are the Red Door Locations in Warzone?

Warzone red door locations
Where are the Red Door locations in Warzone? Let's take a look... | © Activision

Warzone Season 4 has introduced a new Red Door system, providing fantastic loot to players, but where are they? Where are the Red Door locations in Warzone? Where can you find them? Let's check it out!

The new Red Door system in Warzone Season 4 is pretty bloody cool – and can make us all insanely rich, insanely fast. Accessing them accesses loot, and loot will provide access to more loot, more kills, and more fun. Are you sufficiently hyped? What's that? What did you ask, sorry? Oh! Where are the Red Door locations in Warzone? Well, why did you wait so long to ask me? I have been bumbling on for so long! Let's get on with it, then, shall we? Here are the Warzone Red Door locations...

Warzone Season 4 is here, and has added a whole bunch of cool stuff! Oh, are you not caught up yet? Don't you worry, we've got you covered!

Where are the Red Door Locations in Warzone?

There are several doors around each location, here are those locations:

  • Summit
  • Downtown Tower
  • Stadium
  • Factory
  • Salt Mine
  • Hills
  • Old Mine

Generally, the Warzone Red Doors are found in POIs added in Season 3's Verdansk '84 map update. Not all of the Red Doors have likely been found as of writing this article, but we will update it as more information becomes available, and more Red Doors become found. Check out the map below to see all the Warzone Red Door locations currently known.

Update: On July 2 we updated this map again to reflect more known locations. At present we have found a total of 30 Red Dorrs, but they have all been found at those seven key places of interest.

Red Door Locations
We keep this map updates – so be sure to check back again | © Activision Blizzard

The thing about the Warzone Red Doors is that they are unbelievably unreliable. Some people find some doors, others find different doors, and it's all a big and confusing collection of "what the hell is going on?" Well, it may be bizarre, but it's also bloody cool, so we're not complaining. This could possibly change the fundamental tactics of Warzone, especially once all of the Warzone Red Door locations are known, but as of writing, what these changes will become is simply unknown.

What Do the Warzone Red Doors Do?

After entering a Red Door in Warzone Season 4, players are being transported to a random destination, inside a loot-filled station. There are currently twelve confirmed locations, each of which contain a small room with some pretty decent loot. You can then loot the room, and head off out around the map – now from a different location! Pretty neat right, pretty cool, pretty awesome, pretty... wait where are these locations?

Where do the Warzone Red Doors Take You?

  • Storage
  • Salt Mine
  • Lumber
  • Block 18
  • Junkyard
  • Military Base
  • Above Bunker 0
  • North of ATC
  • Salt Mine
  • Lumber
  • Factory
  • Promenade East
  • School
  • Farmland

Please keep in mind that all locations, including Red Door locations and destinations, are still yet to be discovered. The ones listed in this article are the ones that have been found as of writing, but will be updated as more are discovered over the coming days and weeks!

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...