Dafran gets banned in a Valorant tournament

Dafran atlant reign
Image credit: Atlanta Reign

Daniel “dafran” Francesca received a lifetime ban for all events made by Solary tournaments.

Over the weekend there was some hot drama going on in the Valorant competitive scene. The French event organizer “Solary” held a cup with a 5000 euro prize pool. It all went rather well until the semifinals between HypHypHyp and Prodigy. The latter consisted of Daniel “dafran” Francesca and his teammates Oscar “mixwell” Cañellas, Adil “ScreaM” Benrlitom, Jacob “Pyth” Mourujärvi, Bayram “bramz” Ben Redjeb. The two teams were supposed to play against each other but a change in the schedule led to some immense chaos.

Solary cup
Image credit: Solary

Team Prodigy overlooked that change and the organizers were ready to give their opponents a map advantage due to the delay they caused. While the two teams discussed the potential map advantage dafran got a bit more emotional and burst out. Solary decided that his behavior was unacceptable and handed the player a lifetime ban from the current tournament and any future events.

Today the player Dafran made disrespectful remarks during our Solary Cup on Valorant. These insults were directed at Hyp_OW, his team and our organisation. We don’t accept this kind of totally inappropriate behavior, especially for a reason that lies at the root of his mistake. Dafran is banned for life from our tournaments and his team will be able to play the game tomorrow with a substitute.

Dafran wasn’t happy with the decision and posted a Tweet of his own which made his thoughts about the organizer very clear.

Despite all that happened, Prodigy still managed to beat HypHypHyp and made it to the grand finals where the ultimately lost to fish123. As for dafran, we surely won’t see him in another event made by Solary as neither side wants that. The Valorant competitive scene is still forming up and scandals like this one are really not helping spread the good word about it. Whether it was dafran’s fault for bursting out or anyone else’s is irrelevant at this point as the situation could’ve been handled much better. Things between dafran and Damien "HyP" Souville escalated even further after the conclusion of the event. Dafran’s fanbase and Twitch followers were harassing the French player up to a point where he had to make a statement and explain the whole situation.READ MORE: Valorant 0.50 Patch Notes are hereThis shed some clarity on it all which led to dafran apologizing and burying the hatchet. Whether that’s truly the case will be made clear the next time the two players face each other. Stay tuned for more Valorant news and make sure to check out EarlyGame.
Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...