Dota 2 Hero Meta: Pub Matches 7.27

Dota hero pool
Dota 2 Hero Pool (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

The Dota 2 Hero Meta is a great source of endless discussion in pro games and the trends we see in pub games help keep you competitive. Today, we look at the current hero meta in Dota2 7.27 and maybe instead of picking your favorite hero, you pick a meta hero! But be careful, don’t become a meta slave!

We have our three lanes inDota 2 – safe, mid, and the off lane, also known as top, mid and bottom. But since you're a seasoned Dota 2 player, you already knew that, right? So which are the Top 3 most picked heroes for each lane? Remember, the meta changes over time in Dota 2 so let's see what is hot in Summer Dota 2020 and what heroes make the cut in pub matches.

Top 3 Off-Lane Heroes

We first start with a look at the off lane, sometimes called the hard lane. Heroes who do well here typically are hard to kill or have good escape abilities. And our Top 3 proves that fact to be true.

Off lane heroes1
Centaur, Bristleback, Darkseer (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

1. Centaur Warrunner

  • This Tank is picked in 85% of games and has a 53.6% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 407 gold and 496 XP per minute.
  • Its main ability is Hoof Stomp – an AOE stun for 2.6s at Level 4, making it a great team fight hero.

2. Bristleback

  • This tank is picked in 84% of games and has a 49.2% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 417 gold and 513 XP per minute.
  • Its main ability is Quil spray – an AoE damage attack that stacks more with each hit.

3. Dark Seer

  • This lane controller is picked in 84% of games and has a 50% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 402 gold and 461 XP per minute.
  • All its abilities control the lane – Vacuum, Ion Shell, Surge, and Wall of Replica.

Top 3 Mid-Lane Heroes

The all-star lane in Dota 2 is the mid lane. A good mid player can win the early and mid game and snowball and take control of the late game. These heroes typically have high damage abilities and kill creep waves quickly.

Mid lane hero1
Tinker, Shadow Fiend, and Storm Spirit. (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

1. Tinker

  • This nuker is picked in 92% of games and has a 49% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 551 gold and 613 XP per minute.
  • Heat Seeking Missiles and Laser melt enemy heroes.

2. Shadow Fiend

  • This nuker is picked in 91% of games and has a 48% win rate.
  • On average it earns 551 gold and 613 XP per minute.
  • Shadowraze easily clears creep waves and heroes.

3. Storm Spirit

  • The mobile ganker is picked in 90% of games and has a 48% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 502 gold and 606 XP and per minute.
  • Its Ball Lightning ability allows you to race across the map.

Top 3 Safe-Lane Heroes

The safe lane is usually where most hero lineups put the carry hero or someone for the late game. This hero farms gold, XP and high-level items. A good carry wins for the team in the late game.

Safe lane hero1
Spectre, Anti-Mage, and Slark. (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

1. Spectre

  • This ghost-faced assassin is picked in 90% of games and has a 55% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 514 gold and 583 XP per minute.
  • Its ultimate ability – Haunt – allows for it to teleport around the map and find ganks.

2. Anti-Mage

  • This hard carry is picked in 89% of games and has a 49% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 604 gold and 639 XP per minute.
  • Its Blink ability makes surviving very easy.

3. Slark

  • This gank/carry hero is picked in 84% of games and has a 49% win rate.
  • On average, it earns 506 gold and 596 XP per minute.
  • Its deadly Pounce ability traps its victims in place.

There are other roles in Dota 2 that go in between the lanes, and they are the junglers and roamers which we did not cover in today’s Pub meta report. But if you are interested in the more specialized roles played in higher ranked pub matches and pro games, check out the very useful website Dotabuff for all kinds of Dota 2 stats and figures.

That’s all for now so keep your creep score high, and play safe! Come back and check out more Dota 2and esports news at EarlyGame your source for gaming goodness! Like this awesome player profile:

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...