Dota 2 the Bot International Returns

Bts bot international
Image credit: Beyond The Summit

You heard that right, the most interesting event in Dota 2 is back once again. The Dota 2 Bot International – where nothing is certain.

There’s The Dota 2 International, the biggest event in Valve’s MOBA. A tournament that gathers millions of viewers and millions in prize money. TI is the event with the biggest prize pool in all of esports and that’s no small feat, but it’s missing something – bots.

If you think humans are too predictable and boring there’s an event out there just for you. An event where you can’t really tell who’s going to win even when it looks one-sided – The Bot International.

What is The Dota 2 Bot International?

It’s exactly what you’re thinking of a five on five battle between some of the highest win rate heroes in Dota 2. The five heroes in each team are identical (5 Pangoliers vs. 5 Earthshakers etc.) and they’re all controlled by bots. Note that it’s not the cutting edge AI by OpenAI that managed to beat pro players, it’s just regular bots. And that makes it even better. The matches are random, sometimes they won’t use their skills, sometimes they’ll make amazing plays. Just go into every match without expectations.

Like most good things in Dota 2, Bot TI started out as a meme, but it turned out to be quite entertaining. Organized by Beyond The Summit, the event’s first edition came in 2018 when Elder Titan took the first place. 2019 followed up with a victory for Pangolier and in 2020 we’re about to find out.

The BTS Tweet contains a message in binary that translates to “Announcing Bot TI3 in September”. With the level cap increased to 30, some new talents and items, this year’s Bot TI3 will sure be interesting. An exact date is unknown, but we’re sure there’ll be another update down the line.

Besides regular bot matches, BTS will also present show matches. The latter in previous years consisted of insane amounts of bots like 69 Kunkkas vs. 49 Tidehunters. All of the series in Bot TI will be Bo3 and in the end, only the best hero/bot will remain.

Are you hyped about Dota 2’s Bot TI? Tell us in the comments section on our Facebook page!

Stay tuned for more Dota 2 news and check out EarlyGame as well as the EarlyGame Youtube channel for more content.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...