DrDisrespect Is Back... on YouTube!

Dr Disrespect
The Doc is changing office. (Image credit: DrDisrespect via Facebook)

DrDisrespect, a showman without equal and one of the greatest streamers of our time, banned permanently from Twitch. What followed? Silence. Rumors ranging from a time-out to serious accusations made the rounds. Now, silence no more. Doc's moving on... to YouTube!

Three weeks ago the first hints appeared that Herschel "DrDisrespect" Beahm is planning a big comeback. This time it should be bigger, more epic, and most importantly... redder.

Welcome Back, Doc!

Yesterday, August 6, DrDisrespect tweeted:

Tomorrow we arrive.

With those few words, he linked his YouTube channel and it got quiet again. The community can hardly wait, but many hours have passed and the Doctor is still keeping his silence.Since this tweet, DrDisrespect's stream is running, but he himself is nowhere to be seen. His beloved car is parked at a gas station and there is some music playing in the background.

300... What!?

Yup, although DrDisrespect was not yet visible, more than 300,000 people were watching him - or his car rather as it was just... standing there. Just like that. There might be some cryptic meaning behind it, there might be not. Doesn't matter. What matters is that by the looks of it YouTube will be injected with a huge amount of Disrespect.

We'll be keeping tabs on the car and on Doc's movements in the coming hours, days and week.

Keep in touch with EarlyGame, so you don't miss out on the moment the engine starts.