EA Sports cancel competitive FIFA season

Easports fifa global series
The competitive FIFA season has been put on hold by EA Sports. (Image credit: EA Sports via Twitter)

EA Sports are joining the line of organizers forced out of business by the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. While some CS:GO parties are still attempting to have their tournaments as scheduled without audience, EA pulled the plug on the FIFA season completely.

FIFA 20 competitive season done for good?

EA Sports announced that all competitive FIFA play – online and offline, is suspended for an indefinite period. This might mean anything between a couple of weeks and a couple of months, perhaps even more.

In case one, that wouldn’t be detrimental to the season but a minor inconvenience. If the crisis goes on for a few more months, however, we might be left without a FIFA eWorld Champion for 2020. The likelihood of that isn’t that great given how the season could be forced within two to three weeks, but it would still be awkward to say the least.

With all major national and international football leagues out of the picture, EA Sports didn’t really have much of a choice. FIFA Ultimate Team and the competitive season by extension are inherently tied to real-life football and the renewal of the season would likely only come if and when football leagues are resumed.

At first, EA tried to reschedule FUT Champions Cup Stage V and salvage what it can from the rest of the competitive calendar. In the meantime, the coronavirus pandemic grew larger and larger, took out most sporting leagues and tournaments, a lot of esports leagues and tournaments, and even some countries as a whole.

Obviously, health comes in first place and this decision was the only feasible one for EA Sports to take. With that said, we’ve had it with you, COVID-19, we want our FIFA back!