EA Sports Try to Fix FIFA 20’s Broken Servers

Fifa pitch notes
The latest regular update is made available to console users. (Image credit: EA Sports)

FIFA 20 servers are a nightmare. Everyone that’s played the game online is aware of that. EA Sports are at least trying to improve connectivity with the latest FIFA 20 update, while also bringing the PC update from last week to the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game.

FIFA 20 Server Update

Is this the end of all server and connection problems in FIFA 20? Probably not, but the new server update should at least take care of some of the issues. Just in time for FIFA 21. Great job as usual by Electronic Arts.

FIFA 20 servers have been under construction between June 10 and June 30 as EA have been trying to improve the horrible service they have been providing since bloody October. Hopefully, PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch players can finally enjoy their online FIFA 20 experience without the constant thorn in the ass that are EA servers bugging the crap out of them.

The servers have been adjusted to improve the online performance in a match. This change should bring a noticeable improvement in framerate and less graphic problems in online games.

The Regular FIFA 20 Update

The core of this FIFA 20 update was released on PC back on June 30, but was only made available on consoles today. The download is around 4.7 GB, which isn’t pocket change, but is still nearly ten times less than an average Call of Duty update, so we can’t complain.

The most exciting new feature is that FIFA Ultimate Team is getting a filter for special cards. In short, you can find a certain TOTSSF or Sumemr Heat card, for example, in no time instead of digging through data like a mad man. Simple, yet so rewarding.

Did I say most exciting? I take that back. This is the most exciting news this update brings: the Bob Marley 75th Anniversary kit and minor audio issues have been fixed. Hooray!

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