EarlyGame’s early Wild Rift Champions Guide – Part 3

Part 3 Early Game Early Guide to Wildrift Champions
Image credit: Riot Games

Everybody has heard of League of Legends at some point in time. Just as likely, you have heard of the game’s mobile and console version, Wild Rift. Wild Rift is expected to hit beta soon and will do so with a roster of 41 champions. While we’re all waiting for a confirmed date, we’ll help you get to know the game’s champions in a quick four-part series – an early Wild Rift champions guide by EarlyGame.

We’re all signed up for the pre-registration and eagerly waiting for the beta to drop. Unfortunately, there no date has been announced by Riot yet, so while we wait, we figured we’d get you up to speed on the most important aspect of League of Legends: Wild Rift – the champions.

While League of Legends has a roster of 148 champions, Wild Rift will launch with a roster of 41 (might still be subject to change). This will make picking up the game easier, as a lot of players looking to get into Wild Rift probably might not be that familiar with the LoL roster. Also, Riot stated that the team has adapted the gameplay and each champion, meaning Wild Rift will be much more than just a simple copy-pasta.

Still, to help you catch up on who’s who in Wild Rift, we took the liberty of giving you a sort of overview, or early guide, on all Wild Rift legends. Granted, there is not much out there on Wild Rift, but the official League of Legends website has generous bios on every champion, so we compiled the ones that you’ll be able to play in Wild Rift.


Malphite 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A massive creature of living stone, Malphite struggles to impose blessed order on a chaotic world. Birthed as a servitor-shard to an otherworldly obelisk known as the Monolith, he used his tremendous elemental strength to maintain and protect his progenitor, but ultimately failed. The only survivor of the destruction that followed, Malphite now endures Runeterra's soft folk and their fluid temperaments, while struggling to find a new role worthy of the last of his kind.
  • GRANITE SHIELD (passive)Malphite is shielded by a layer of rock which absorbs damage up to 10% of his maximum Health. If Malphite has not been hit for 10 seconds, this effect recharges.

  • SEISMIC SHARDUsing his primal elemental magic, Malphite sends a shard of the earth through the ground at his foe, dealing damage upon impact and stealing Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

  • THUNDERCLAPMalphite attacks with such force that it creates a sonic boom. For the next few seconds, his attacks create aftershocks in front of him.

  • GROUND SLAMMalphite slams the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage based on his Armor as damage and reduces the Attack Speed of enemies for a short duration.

  • UNSTOPPABLE FORCEMalphite ferociously charges to a location, damaging enemies and knocking them into the air.

Master Yi

Master Yi 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As one of the last living practitioners of the Ionian art of Wuju, Yi has devoted his life to continuing the legacy of his people—scrutinizing potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to identify the most worthy among them.
  • DOUBLE STRIKE (passive)

    Every few consecutive basic attacks, Master Yi strikes twice.

  • ALPHA STRIKEMaster Yi teleports across the battlefield with blinding speed, dealing physical damage to multiple units in his path, while simultaneously becoming untargetable. Alpha Strike can critically strike and deals bonus physical damage to monsters. Basic attacks reduce Alpha Strike's cooldown.

  • MEDITATEMaster Yi rejuvenates his body by focus of mind, restoring Health and taking reduced damage for a short time. In addition, Master Yi will gain stacks of Double Strike and pause the remaining duration on Wuju Style and Highlander for each second he channels.

  • WUJU STYLEGrants bonus true damage on basic attacks.

  • HIGHLANDERMaster Yi moves with unparalleled agility, temporarily increasing his Movement and Attack Speeds as well as making him immune to all slowing effects. While active, Champion kills or assists extend Highlander's duration. Passively reduces cooldown for his other abilities on a kill or assist.

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A Bilgewater captain famed for her looks but feared for her ruthlessness, Sarah Fortune paints a stark figure among the hardened criminals of the port city. As a child, she witnessed the reaver king Gangplank murder her family—an act she brutally avenged years later, blowing up his flagship while he was still aboard. Those who underestimate her will face a beguiling and unpredictable opponent… and, likely, a bullet or two in their guts.
  • LOVE TAP (passive)Miss Fortune deals bonus physical damage whenever she basic attacks a new target.

  • DOUBLE UPMiss Fortune fires a bullet at an enemy, damaging them and a target behind them. Both strikes can also apply Love Tap.

  • STRUTMiss Fortune passively gains Movement Speed when not attacked. This ability can be activated to grant bonus Attack Speed for a short duration. While it's on cooldown, Love Taps reduce the remaining cooldown of Strut.

  • MAKE IT RAINMiss Fortune reveals an area with a flurry of bullets, dealing waves of damage to opponents and slowing them.

  • BULLET TIMEMiss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets into a cone in front of her, dealing large amounts of damage to enemies. Each wave of Bullet Time can critically strike


Nami 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A headstrong young vastaya of the seas, Nami was the first of the Marai tribe to leave the waves and venture onto dry land, when their ancient accord with the Targonians was broken. With no other option, she took it upon herself to complete the sacred ritual that would ensure the safety of her people. Amidst the chaos of this new age, Nami faces an uncertain future with grit and determination, using her Tidecaller staff to summon the strength of the oceans themselves.
  • SURGING TIDES (passive)When Nami's abilities hit allied champions they gain Movement Speed for a short duration.

  • AQUA PRISONSends a bubble to a target area, dealing damage and stunning all enemies on impact.

  • EBB AND FLOWUnleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and enemy champions, healing allies and damaging enemies.

  • TIDECALLER'S BLESSINGEmpowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally's basic attacks and spells deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.

  • TIDAL WAVESummons a massive Tidal Wave that knocks up, slows, and damages enemies. Allies hit gain double the effect of Surging Tides.


Nasus 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Nasus is an imposing, jackal-headed Ascended being from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert. Fiercely intelligent, he was a guardian of knowledge and peerless strategist whose wisdom guided the ancient empire of Shurima to greatness for many centuries. After the fall of the empire, he went into self-imposed exile, becoming little more than a legend. Now that the ancient city of Shurima has risen once more, he has returned, determined to ensure it never falls again.
  • SOUL EATER (passive)Nasus drains his foe's spiritual energy, giving him bonus Life Steal.

  • SIPHONING STRIKENasus strikes his foe, dealing damage and increasing the power of his future Siphoning Strikes if he slays his target.

  • WITHERNasus ages an enemy champion, decelerating their Movement and Attack Speeds over time.

  • SPIRIT FIRENasus unleashes a spirit flame at a location, dealing damage and reducing the Armor of enemies who stand on it.

  • FURY OF THE SANDSNasus unleashes a mighty sandstorm that batters nearby enemies. While the storm rages, he gains increased Health, Attack Range, damages nearby enemies, has a reduced cooldown on Siphoning Strike, and gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance for the duration.


Olaf 0
Image credit: Riot Games
An unstoppable force of destruction, the axe-wielding Olaf wants nothing but to die in glorious combat. Hailing from the brutal Freljordian peninsula of Lokfar, he once received a prophecy foretelling his peaceful passing—a coward's fate, and a great insult among his people. Seeking death, and fueled by rage, he rampaged across the land, slaughtering scores of great warriors and legendary beasts in search of any opponent who could stop him. Now a brutal enforcer for the Winter's Claw, he seeks his end in the great wars to come.
  • BERSERKER RAGE (passiv)Olaf's Attack Speed is increased by 1% for each 1% of his Health he is missing.

  • UNDERTOWOlaf throws an axe into the ground at a target location, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and slowing their Movement Speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.

  • VICIOUS STRIKESOlaf's Attack Speed is increased, he gains Life Steal and has increased healing from all sources based on how much Health he is missing.

  • RECKLESS SWINGOlaf attacks with such force that it deals true damage to his target and himself, refunding the Health cost if he destroys the target.

  • RAGNAROKOlaf temporarily becomes immune to disables.


Orianna 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Once a curious girl of flesh and blood, Orianna is now a technological marvel comprised entirely of clockwork. She became gravely ill after an accident in the lower districts of Zaun, and her failing body had to be replaced with exquisite artifice, piece by piece. Accompanied by an extraordinary brass sphere she built for companionship and protection, Orianna is now free to explore the wonders of Piltover, and beyond.
  • CLOCKWORK WINDUP (passive)Orianna's auto attack deals additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna attacks the same target.

  • COMMAND: ATTACKOrianna commands her Ball to fire toward a target location, dealing magic damage to targets along the way (deals less damage to subsequent targets). Her Ball remains at the target location after.

  • COMMAND: DISSONANCEOrianna commands the Ball to release a pulse of energy, dealing magic damage around it. This leaves a field behind that speeds up allies and slows enemies.

  • COMMAND: PROTECTOrianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, shielding them and dealing magic damage to any enemies it passes through on the way. Additionally, the Ball grants additional Armor and Magic Resist to the champion it is attached to.

  • COMMAND: SHOCKWAVEOrianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing magic damage and launching nearby enemies towards the Ball after a short delay.


Shyvana 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Shyvana is a creature with the magic of a rune shard burning within her heart. Though she often appears humanoid, she can take her true form as a fearsome dragon, incinerating her foes with fiery breath. Having saved the life of the crown prince Jarvan IV, Shyvana now serves uneasily in his royal guard, struggling to find acceptance among the suspicious people of Demacia.
  • FURY OF THE DRAGONBORN (passive)Shyvana deals bonus damage to dragons and gains Armor and Magic Resistance. As Shyvana and her allies slay more dragons, she gains more bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.

  • TWIN BITEShyvana strikes twice on her next attack. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite by 0.5 seconds. Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana.

  • BURNOUTShyvana surrounds herself in fire, dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies and moving faster for 3 seconds, part of this damage is applied again when Shyvana basic attacks an enemy with Burnout active. The Movement Speed reduces over the duration of the spell. Basic attacks extend the duration of Burnout. Dragon Form: Burnout grows in size.

  • FLAME BREATHShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to all enemies it encounters and leaves cinders on the target, marking them for 5 seconds. Shyvana's basic attacks on marked targets deal a percentage of their maximum Health as damage on-hit. Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing bonus damage and scorching the earth for a short duration.

  • DRAGON'S DESCENTShyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location. Enemies along her path take damage and are knocked toward her target location. Shyvana passively gains Fury per second and gains 2 Fury on basic attack.


Soraka 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A wanderer from the celestial dimensions beyond Mount Targon, Soraka gave up her immortality to protect the mortal races from their own more violent instincts. She endeavors to spread the virtues of compassion and mercy to everyone she meets—even healing those who would wish harm upon her. And, for all Soraka has seen of this world's struggles, she still believes the people of Runeterra have yet to reach their full potential.
  • SALVATION (passive)Soraka runs faster towards nearby low health allies.

  • STARCALLA star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka recovers Health.

  • ASTRAL INFUSIONSoraka sacrifices a portion of her own health to heal another friendly champion.

  • EQUINOXCreates a zone at a location that silences all enemies inside. When the zone expires, all enemies still inside are rooted.

  • WISHSoraka fills her allies with hope, instantly restoring health to herself and all friendly champions.

Have you missed the previous parts? You can check out the first Wild Rift Guides here:


Alright, that's a wrap for Part 3 of our Wild Rift Champions Guide. Check back soon for Part 4 and stick around EarlyGame for more on Wild Rift and League of Legends.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....