The Most Expensive Big Mac in the World Tastes Like Garbage

Most expensive big mac in the world
Money can buy you everything, except a tasty Big Mac in Venezuela. (Credit:

YouTuber Drew Binsky travels around the world and tries out local food. He thus gives us curious facts from across the globe while living the dream. Facts such as this: the most expensive Big Mac is made in Venezuela and tastes like the bottom of my 8-year-old shoe.

Drew Binsky does what I should be doing: going all over the world and eating. I'll restrain my jealousy as much as I can, though I don't promise anything. During a visit to South America, he discovered the most expensive Big Mac in the world. Sadly, the most American food ever doesn't taste as good when cooked by Venezuelans.

Where Is the Most Expensive Big Mac?

You may think McDonald's would be most expensive in Norway or Switzerland, or some other rich country, but no. The legendary American restaurant chain's most expensive products are found in Venezuela. That's explained by the South American country's currency crashing like none other within the last decade and McDonald's prices staying as they are. It's not a local company, so it doesn't abide by local economy.

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How Much Does the Most Expensive Big Mac Cost?

A Big Mac, which is called Big Cheddar in Venezuela, would cost you 8 million Venezuelan bolívars - the local currency. Eight million! When exchanged to US dollars, that's just around $7, but it is still the most expensive Big Mac in the world when compared to the average income in the country.

How Does the Most Expensive Big Mac Taste?

Surely, when you cough up millions of any currency, you'd at least expect to eat one high quality Big Mac. Unfortunately, you don't even get that. Our traveling McDonalds expert Drew Binsky rates it at just 3/10 and calls it the worst Big Mac he's ever tasted. That's a rough verdict.

You can see the full experience Drew had in the Caracas fast food restaurant, including the reason why the local McDonald's is as bad as it is, right down below.

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