PewDiePie: YouTube's Greatest Gaming Star

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Gamer, influencer, entrepreneur, PewDiePie does it all. (Credit: @pewdiepie via Instagram)

PewDiePie, whose actual name is Felix Kjellberg – my, what a tongue twister – is by far the world's best-known gamer. He has more than 100 million subscribers on YouTube and is beloved for his wacky personality. But his weird humor and trash-talking have caused quite a bit of drama and controversies.

We talked about him taking a break and how people desperately wanted him to return, but who is this guy anyway? Today we want to take a closer look at the Swede, because even if you don’t enjoy his content, you oughta know about gaming YouTube's father. So, sit down and listen kids, as we take you through a history lesson.

PewDiePie: From Zero to Hero

When Felix started his channel, he had a terrible set up and shyly commented on his gameplay in shooters. He had already built a loyal fan base when Minecraft was released. He found his niche and more and more people started watching. Brick by brick — or rather — block by block, he built his empire. He moved to being a full-time YouTuber and came up with his signature move the “Bro-fist”. Over the years he changed his style quite a bit, but he always stayed true to himself and followed his passions.

Crazy Rich Swedes

Kjellberg roughly earns an estimated $70 million per year through his YouTube channel alone. Yo, I could live with that! Most of his income comes from advertising and merch sales.

While he himself would never say so, according to the internet PewDiePie is quite handsome. For years, he has made appearances in the Top 100 “most handsome faces” and in 2020 he even got first place! His wife Marzia surely doesn’t care.

After being considered a dream couple for years they finally got married in 2019. They met on YouTube and now live happily in Brighton, England.

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Pewdiepie was voted most handsome face of 2020. Gratz! (Credit: TC Candler viaYouTube)

Various Formats

Who remembers Fridays with PewDiePie? That was the shit back in my days! Felix always tried new stuff on YouTube, be it crazy products, meme reviews, or Reddit videos, which are currently his primary content. Gaming has always been part of his content, sometimes more, sometimes less prominent. To this day he still plays Minecraft and tries new games like Cyberpunk 2077. He streams exclusively on YouTube and joins peers like Corpse Husband, Valkyrae, Jacksepticeye and Co. in their Among Us sessions from time to time.

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The never-ending drama surrounding pewdiepie

Drama Baby, Drama!

Of course, every big YouTuber has had their fair share of drama, but PewDiePie really outdid himself here. Most of the time it was about racism. Pewds most certainly isn’t racist, but if you do like three videos a day you are bound to say some stupid s**t at one point. More conservative forms of media, who definitely don’t share the internet’s humor acted like vultures waiting for him to make the next mistake. Credit where credit is due — PewDiePie has always apologized for his f**k-ups and stood up to fight the claims. There is no such as thing as bad PR they say, but it’s hella stressful to deal with all that sh**t. Nowadays the controversies have died down and Felix mostly uses his wealth for charitable purposes. That’s a pretty rad, dude.

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The Fiverr video surely was an all-time low. It's not on his channel anymore, but you can find re-uploads (Credit: Deleted Videos via YouTube)

PewDiePie is unpredictable, that much is clear. He switches up his content quite often and his current formats have been going for quite a while. Maybe it’s time for something new? For now, it’s still Minecraft and Reddit but who knows... Right after his return, he announced a reverse face reveal. What the f**k is that supposed to mean, you ask? Well, stars like Corpse Husband have been really successful without showing their faces so Pewds wants to try the same. He will stream without face cam and even ask fans to create virtual avatars for him. Let’s see what 2021 has in store for him. Till then: Bro-fist!


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