Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Got Leaked

Spider Man No way home leak
Not Tom Holland's fault... for once. | © Sony

The trailer for 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' got leaked on social media a few hours ago. Now, millions have seen the video, but Sony isn't giving up. The tech giant is in crisis mode, desperately trying to scrub the leaked 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' trailer from the internet.

If someone had said the new Spider-Man trailer would leak online, nobody would have been surprised. We know Tom Holland's history. But no, Tom wasn't the guilty one this time. It was rumored to first have been uploaded to TikTok, but leaks like this spread like wildfire, so it would be almost impossible to tell now. It will also be impossible to prevent people from watching the video now that it's out there, but that won't stop Sony from trying.

The Leaked 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Trailer

Sony is pulling down the video left, right, and center, so this may well be deleted soon, but here's a recording of someone filming the trailer playing on another phone screen. We're using this one because it's been up for the longest amount of time and seems to be just within what Twitter is allowing right now. Without further ado:


The quality leaves a lot to be desired in this recording, but the production values of the actual trailer are looking high enough for it to almost certainly be real and not a fake.

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How Has Sony Responded To The Leak?

Sony has responded in full force and has sent literally thousands of copyright infringement claims to social media platforms. But attempts to bury news like this will always be futile, with thousands of users now possessing their own local backups.

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” is set to be released on December 17, so you can expect a higher quality trailer to be released soon. And to all the hardcore Spider-Man fans, we're sorry if any of the film's details have been spoiled for you in the trailer.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....