Evil Geniuses sign zews as coach

Zews evil geniuses coach short
Evil Geniuses turned to zews to continue Chet Singh's work. (Image credit: Evil Geniuses via Twitter)

Evil Geniuses and Wilton “zews” Prado have reached an agreement for the Brazilian to take on the coaching duties, starting immediately. EG were quick to make a move for the former Made in Brazil coach after they fired Chet Singh last week.

Evil Geniuses turn to South America for coaching improvement

Evil Geniuses came out with the somewhat surprising decision to fire coach Chet Singh last week. With all the information that came out immediately after, things became much more clear as to what the problems were and why Singh ultimately got the boot. Regardless, that left EG with a huge hole to fill as Singh had been with the core of the roster for nearly two years.

Conveniently, zews had become a free agent a couple of weeks earlier and immediately became front-runner for the newly vacant position. Whether Singh’s firing was at least partly influenced by zews becoming available will likely remain a secret, but we have a sneaky feeling there be a story in there somewhere.

Anyway, zews agreed to make the move back to a North American squad after his second stint with Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo and co., which lasted a little over a year. He had previously worked with Team Liquid where he achieved moderate success. While the team had its best period after zews left it could be argued that the foundations for said success was laid during his time there.

Perhaps the most curious moment in the whole story is that Evil Geniuses’ current in-game leader Peter “stanislaw” Jarguz was on Team Liquid’s roster when zews became coach. Guess what was the first roster move that was made when zews joined? Yep, stanislaw got the boot three days later.

Chet Singh was relieved of his duties because of disagreements with stanislaw and Tarik “tarik” Celik. EG go with a coach that has questionable previous history with stanislaw to say the least. What could possibly go wrong here?

We can see the first fruits of this relationship at ESL One: Road to Rio, which is kicking off on April 22.