FC Schalke 04 Rise Up to Upset G2 Esports

S04win2507 BG
Image credit: Riot Games

They may be dead last in the standings, but Schalke have now won a match against both LEC 2020 spring finalists. While huge underdogs, they played a solid game and deserved the victory. Yet we have to ask - what is going on with G2?

After a 0-2 week 5, G2 Esports looked to have a good staring game for the weekend, taking on a struggling FC Schalke 04 which was stuck at the bottom of the table with a 1-10 record. Still, the early game was quite even, with the German team sniffing out a bot lane gank and playing conservatively. This changed 13 minutes in, however, as S04 executed a clean tower dive against Martin "Wunder" Hansen, then picked up two kills in the mid lane shortly afterwards. The German team won several other skirmishes while G2 showed a series of worrying mistakes, with only Rasmus "Caps" Winther holding the front for his team. He was instrumental in stopping an early Baron and eventually bought a Mejai’s Soulstealer in a bid to carry the team. On Schalke’s side, however, both Felix "Abbedagge" Braun’s Azir and Erberk "Gilius" Demir’s Kha’Zix were fed and ahead in items G2 needed someone else to step up alongside their star mid laner.

A great ultimate by Caps would not be enough 27 minutes in as Schalke secured the cloud soul and four kills, then won another big fight to secure the baron shortly afterwards. The German team methodically broke down the enemy base before retreating for the Elder drake and using it to wing the game. It was a more than respectable showing by Schalke, yet G2 fans should be worried. Luka "Perkz" Perković had a very poor game and would get caught out time and again, often losing his team the fight. The team itself looked disjointed, a shadow of the spring split champion.

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