FIFA 20 Title Update 17 is... a joke

Fifa pitch notes
The new FIFA 20 update fixes nothing. (Image credit: EA Sports)

EA Sports released a new patch for FIFA 20. The game has more than a few issues that need to be fixed and that fans have been crying about for months. Yet, the new Title Update 17 takes care of something, which wasn’t really bothering anyone. Way to go, EA!

FIFA 20 Title Update 17

There’s enough FIFA 20 bugs essential to the gameplay to fill a hundred Title Updates and what do Electronic Arts do? Release a whole 835 MB update on the graphic transfer elements of the Spanish La Liga.

Is there a single person in the world who was actually bothered by this? We don’t know any. We do know plenty that are, uhm, questioning Title Update 17, however. Comments like “useless update” are a common site on all major social media platforms and, well, they got a point.

It's not like there's nothing to improve. A random dude by the tag Denebetto responded to EA’s tweet with a list of things which should be improved in FIFA 20 over the one Title Update 17 tackled, which is basically anything else. At the end of the day, it is EA, so we’re probably not getting any of that. Just wait for FIFA 21 and pray we get half of these improvements in the new game. Spoiler alert: we probably won’t.