FIFA 21 FUT Player Days: All About the Event

Fifa 21 fut player days
FUT Player Days will last until Thursday. (Credit: EA Sports)

EA Sports appear to appreciate surprises. The FIFA 21 publisher launched the FUT Player Days promo on Monday evening without much of a warning, and at the same time as another event - What If, is still very much active. What is FUT Player Days all about?

There's a new FIFA 21 FUT event. Announced and launched within a single hour on Monday evening, FUT Player Days is going to be active simultaneously with What If until Thursday. What If and Player Days will then both make room for the next FUT event. Winter Refresh at last?

What Is FUT Player Days?

It is an essentially impromptu FUT event that was launched on Monday evening and will remain active for just a few days. In fact, Player Days end on Thursday, at 19:00 CET. But what is the event itself about? The players, of course!

There aren't going to be any special cards released within FUT Player Days. There will be packs though. Lots of them. For starters, you get one of four free packs based on the number of days you've logged into FIFA 21. Tough luck if you play 10 hours one day and then don't play for a week.

The prizes are:

  • Tier 4 (138-141 days): Ultimate Pack
  • Tier 3 (116-137 days): Rare Mega Pack
  • Tier 2 (61-115 days): Prime Gold Players Pack
  • Tier 1 (1-60 days): Jumbo Premium Gold Pack

There was also a quick 2 for 1 pack offer in the first hour of the promo that is now gone. What isn't gone is the 81+ Double Player Pick SBC. It will be active for another 20 hours. We're playing high tempo in here.

We expect more such lightning SBCs, Objectives and packs before it all goes away on Thursday. Can we possibly see a themed FUT Player Days set of cards like we did in the past? At such short notice, it is unlikely.

Keep your eyes peeled at all times or you might miss out on a great lightning round FUT offer. Another thing you should keep tabs on is the card market as this new event could bring prices down for a short period of time.

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