FIFA 21: The Weekly Division Rival Point Problem

Fifa21 wishlist
What has people so upset? (Image Credit: EA Sports)

FIFA. We’ve got a problem. Ultimate Team mode has many ways for players to get rewards. One of those has always been through the grind of Division Rivals, but with FIFA 21 the system has changed from playing as many games as possible to only 30 games counting for your weekly score.

Once you’re played those 30 games none of the other games you play in Division Rivals will count your score which determines where you rank amongst your peers. This was done to stop people from reaching high ranks merely by spamming the game, but by making each game more meaningful and hope for better gameplay.

What else is a problem though? There is also the FUT Champions Weekend League which have previously also been counted to your Division Rivals score. EA has explained that you can also play 30 games of the weekend league and gain 400 points per match, be it you lose or win.

Does this mean that players who also participate in the weekend league will be able to gain an added 400 points per game? Well that was what EA Sports has clarified, stating that the score of your weekend games will only be added to the Division Rivals weekly rank if you haven’t completed the 30 weekly games beforehand.

What other problems are there though? Well the rank of the weekly rivals division resets every Thursday. This means that to attain the most amount of points possible, you’ll have to grind 30 games before the Weekend League, since a win during the week can be worth more than 400 points.

To get the most out of your games, you’ll have to grind a solid three days without pause to get 60 games for the most amount of points in both the weekend league as well as the weekly league, since you don’t want to merely get 400 points per game from the weekend.

Understandably, players are upset, since most of the week is meaningless to the score of the weekly division rivals. The reset day should be changed so that players can spread out their 30 meaningful days over the week, rather than hardforce their time spent into a single day.

For more information about FIFA, have a look at EarlyGame. And for all those who prefer watching videos rather than reading, we recommend our YouTube channel.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....