FIFA 21 Title Update 6.0 for Consoles, Title Update 6.1 for PC

Fifa pitch notes
Two FIFA 21 Title Updates in one day? That's right! (Image Credit: EA Sports)

You've been waiting on a FIFA 21 update? Today's your lucky day! There's double the dosage courtesy of EA Sports. Title Update 6.0 is going live on consoles today, while PC gamers have Title Update 6.1 already available to them.

EA Sports have picked the perfect time to update FIFA 21. Just a day prior to the next-gen launch of the game, Title Update 6.0 is going live on consoles. PC users are one step ahead again with Title Update 6.1 being at their disposal as we speak, buuut looks can sometimes be deceiving, as you'll find out in a moment.

FIFA 21 Title Update 6.0

Title Update 6.0 was released for PC last week but did not arrive on consoles until today. Now PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S users can also enjoy the fresh content.

Gameplay changes are something console players should expect. AI blocking is one area that's been improved, and so is pass interception. By far, the most game-affecting fix is the reduced exit speed after a stepover, which further diminishes the usually overwhelming power of pace in FIFA 21.

For the full patch notes, visit the FIFA Forums.

FIFA 21 Title Update 6.1

PC gamers getting a new update while console players are still stuck on the old one could sound frustrating. It isn't. Title Update 6.1 fixes a PC-specific issue that was caused by patch 6.0 and isn't a full-on update of the game.

The "fix" is so hilarious, it sounds like a meme. EA Sports removed the solution to a bug to remove a new bug that was caused by the solution of the old bug. Priceless.

The exact patch note says the following:

The latest Title Update will soon be available on the PC (Origin/Steam) version of FIFA 21 and addresses a stability issue in Pro Clubs Drop In Matches that was unintentionally introduced in the previous Title Update.In order to address this stability issue, we have reintroduced an issue that was resolved in the previous Title Update. Specifically, switching Game Plans as the Captain of a Drop In Match can result in other players having their positions incorrectly changed. We will look to address this issue in a future Title Update.

We hope Title Update 6.1 won't be necessary for consoles, but with EA you never know.

Stay with EarlyGame for more quality FIFA content. You can also check our YouTube channel for some visuals if reading's not your main thing.

Original article by EarlyGame's Philipp Briel.