FIFA 22: Coaching With The World Champion At GAMERS ACADEMY

To become a FIFA pro, Gamers Academy is a must!

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Your buddy thinks he's the best FIFA player in the world? No, he certainly isn't. MoAuba, on the other hand, is. The German esports player is the reigning world champion since 2019 - and offers coaching sessions for all ambitious players who want to reach his level. As part of the GAMERS ACADEMY, MoAuba gives 1on1 coaching sessions in which he analyzes players' gameplay individually and then gives tips that can only come from a real world champion. Whether it's Elite Division, Rank I in FUT Champions or targeted improvements in game areas such as offense or pressing - with GAMERS ACADEMY coaching, FIFA players improve immediately and achieve their personal goals.Not only MoAuba is helping, but also a whole collection of other esports players and coaches who are among the absolute world elite. Among others, there is talk of world champion coach Stylo, the seven-time champion of the USA, Mike LaBelle, as well as Lefti, who has already won a Europe Qualifier of the FGS. Training here comes only from the best in the world. The coaching is based on four pillars, which, together, form the most effective personalized FIFA training the esports market has to offer. The highlight for every player is the 1on1 Coaching, where they can work on their own skills with MoAuba & Co.

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The Masterclasses contain a huge range of tutorials on topics such as trading, skills or tactics. Designed by the trained coaches, they outshine any YouTube tutorial and offer tips that can't be found anywhere else on the Internet. Another important part is the Gameplay Analysis. "Stylo, what can I do better?" Here, recorded gameplay is extensively analyzed by the coaches within 48 hours and provided with individual feedback. It's not your "smart" buddy who gives you tips, but the best players in the world.The offer is completed by Group Sessions, in which up to twelve players can participate. The coaches give deep insights into topics such as attack or tactics and answer the questions of the users live. There is no easier way to expand your FIFA knowledge. The best? Currently, the GAMERS ACADEMY coaching can be tested for seven days for free and without risk.The three packages Starter, Pro and Legend are available - the Free trial offer applies to all packages! In addition to the Masterclass, the Group Coachings and the Gameplay Analysis, all options include continuous access to the GAMERS ACADEMY Discord, where players can interact with the community and coaches and learn more insides. Effectively get better at FIFA without having to sift through hours of YouTube guides with half-knowledge from players like your buddy - the GAMERS ACADEMY makes it possible.

Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....