Is FIFA's Biggest Critic Making a Comeback?

Fifa 21 kurt
Could Kurt0411 make a glorious FIFA comeback? (Credit: Kurt0411 via Twitter)

When it comes to confronting EA Sports with hard-hitting, exaggerated criticism, former pro Kurt "Kurt0411" Fenech was usually one of those who shouted the loudest. Until the former esport player was banned for life from all EA games in February 2020. But guess what? "For life", in this case, could be as little as 14 months. Is Kurt about to make a comeback?

For years, Kurt "Kurt0411" Fenech was considered one of the biggest FIFA critics out there. In February 2020, EA Sports strangled the Maltese and issued a lifetime ban. A little over a year later, Kurt is about to make a comeback.

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Why Was Kurt Banned from FIFA?

On February 24, 2020, EA Sports pulled the plug and issued a lifetime ban against former Esport player Kurt0411 after he had incited the community via Twitch for months.

For the publisher, this was a violation of the Code of Conduct:

When feedback turns into threats and personal hostility, we take the necessary steps to remove such people from our communities.

The ex-professional then called EA "incompetent" and described the whole thing as "tyranny".

In spite of a lifelong ban, Kurt0411 expressed himself again and again critically and in the typical, exaggeratedly, derisive tone about the problems of FIFA 21.

Will Kurt0411 Return to FIFA 21?

On April 8 Kurt tweeted a picture showing the loading screen of FIFA 21 with both thumbs up. Full of joy to finally be able to play his favorite game again?

So is he just quietly playing FIFA 21 in the background? Without Twitch and Co? Or maybe the troublemaker returns to the big FIFA stage?

A little later, a second tweet followed with screenshots from the game, in which Kurt scores a goal and is happy that a player has left the ongoing game. Below that, the comment:

Shit apologies, can't post clips. I'll leave you with this

Whether Kurt "Kurt0411" Fenech will return as a FIFA streamer or not remains to be seen. Other well-known names of the scene seem to be happy about the return of the perhaps most severe FIFA critic, after all the reactions were very positive.

In a YouTube video, Kurt gloats about the return in his typical fashion, revealing that EA Sports says he'll get to try FIFA 21 in private for a day to let EA Sports know "what he thinks of the game."

So what is the truth about Kurt's comeback? We don't know, but we are as curious as you are.

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Original article by EarlyGame's Philipp Briel.