FUT 21: Different Ways to Increase Chemistry

Fifa 21 play 1
Image credit: EA Games

Every FIFA player knows that chemistry has a great impact on players and their performance in FIFA Ultimate Team. Maximum chemistry can improve your players up to 90 points in different attributes. Of course, it depends on the applied Chemistry Style modifier. In other words, you can choose which attributes you want to increase. It is relatively easy to select Chemistry Styles based on the most used attributes, but how to get that maximal chemistry in practice?

Chemistry Types

To increase chemistry, you need to fully understand how FIFA 21 chemistry works. There are two types of chemistry, individual Player Chemistry and Team Chemistry. Player Chemistry can vary from 1 to 10 while team chemistry is a sum of all players chemistries combined and it can go up to 100. In other words, there are 11 players and it is enough to have 9 chemistry on every player in order to get that 100. While it looks like that on paper, in practice, 9 is still not enough and you will need 10 to get the maximum results. Individual Player Chemistry accounts for around 75% of increased attributes while Team Chemistry is in charge of only 25% of it. Nevertheless, both are equally important, and you will want to get the maximal chemistry on both of them.

How to Increase Chemistry in FIFA Ultimate Team?

There are two factors that determine players chemistry, position and links. Once you place a player, the player position will be marked under their card. It can be green, orange, or red. Green means he is on the natural position and it will increase the chemistry. Orange represents a similar position to the natural one but it will decrease chemistry by a little bit. On the other side, red means a player is completely out of position and it will reduce both players and team chemistry greatly. To conclude, every player needs to play on their natural position for best results. Luckily, there are position modifiers you can use to switch orange into green.

The second factor that determines chemistry are player links. Players can be linked by something that they have in common. It can either be their nationality, league, or club. Just like with position, there are also green, orange, and red links. To get a green link they need to have at least 2 out of 3 qualities in common. Take note that orange links won't hurt your chemistry and having 11 players from the same league or nation will result in maximum chemistry.

Building chemistry
Image credit: EA Games

Tricks to Increase Chemistry

The biggest problem with hybrid teams is often linking players. Sometimes you have ST that will fit perfectly and have all orange links on CDM position. You probably often see your opponents using Ronaldo as CDM or Kante as ST, and you wonder how can they play like this? Well, they don’t. It just seems they do. In this case, you can actually use position modifier and swap that player from ST all the way down to CDM.

For this to work you will need four-position modifiers: ST -> CF, CF -> CAM, CAM -> CM, CM -> CDM. Of course, your striker can’t play as CDM as he is just not qualified for that position. That’s why you need to use custom tactics and place players exactly where you want them. For example, make a custom plan for “Attacking” and adjust your players where they need to be. As soon as you enter the game just press “Attacking” and your formation will immediately change so that CDM player will actually play as ST. Don’t worry, your chemistry on that player will still be 10. It is only important to have him as CDM before the match starts. Once the game begins, you can make any changes you want.

If you have some untradable players that you just can’t fit in your team and maintain chemistry you can use them as super subs. Every substitute will receive 5 chemistry as soon as he enters the game, no matter the position, league, or nation.

It is also possible to take advantage of green links and add some players from different leagues. Mathematically speaking, one green link plus one red link will result in two orange links. For example, if you have RB or LB with only 2 connections, it is enough to have only one green and the second one can be red. That player will still have 10 chemistry as it will be just like he has two orange links.

Bonus Chemistry

If you have a problem with a hybrid team and you just can’t find a way to get one player to maximum chemistry you can use bonus chemistry tricks to increase it by 2. There is a loyalty bonus which will appear next to players that have played 10 or more matches for your team. Loyalty bonus will add +1 chemistry to that player. Similarly, it is also possible to increase chemistry with manager bonus. You just need to match nationality or league between player and manager and it will also add +1 chemistry to all the player from that league or nation.

Bonus chemistry
Image Credit: EA Games

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