FIFA Pro Accuses EA Of Creating Toxic FIFA Community

Kurt fenech
Kurt Fenech has come forward with these accusations. (Credit: EA Sports)

A famous FIFA pro has accused EA of being toxic. This might not be a surprising statement to you, but the question remains: what happened?

Kurt Fenech was once one of the most known FIFA pros out there. A legend in the community. But then he got banned. Suddenly, the legend disappeared and nobody knew why.

Now, Kurt has finally come back with a video, explaining what happened and more than that, accusing EA of being toxic themselves.


What happened to Kurt Fenech?

In the video, Kurt explains that EA banned him from FIFA due to him violating their Code of Conduct. That he promoted toxicity within the FIFA community, which was against EA’s guidelines.

But then Kurt draws the Uno reverse card and accuses EA of the same thing. That it was never him being toxic, but EA themselves.

“They told me I created an unhealthy community. Over the past year without me, what changed? It’s more toxic than it’s ever been. I know who is [responsible]. It’s not me… It’s they themselves."

Well, if this isn’t a blow coming from someone that once promoted the game of the company so heavily.

Nevertheless, it must have felt good for Kurt to get this off his chest. Something like this is probably not easy to stomach...

If you want more content like this, then be sure to stick around on EarlyGame and check out our Influencer and FIFA site if both of these are of interest to you.

Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....