FlyQuest Defeat Evil Geniuses in Close 3-2 Series

LCS1508 bg FQ
Image credit: Riot Games

After the opening series ended in a clean sweep, the second LCS playoff match – featuring FlyQuest and Evil Geniuses – went all the way to five games. EG nearly managed to reverse sweep their opponents but with some clutch decisions in Game 5, FlyQuest earned their happy ending.

The LCS playoffs continued on Friday night with a clash between FlyQuest, the third team in the regular split, and the sixth-place Evil Geniuses.

Strong Start for FlyQuest

Game 1 started with both teams getting multiple early kills. While EG had the tower lead and enjoyed a small gold lead for a while, FlyQuest kept ahead in kills and had better dragon pressure, eventually securing their third dragon 23 minutes in to put their opponents on a timer.

The game was still nearly even 28 minutes in where FlyQuest came out ahead with a brilliant teamfight, taking two kills and then chasing EG for the ace. With it, they secured the mountain soul and the first Baron to get the first big lead in the game. Another ace three minutes later resulted in them taking the first game of the series.

The green team came off swinging in the next game, taking three kills in the first ten minutes, all of them on Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage. They continued dominating the early fights as the game progressed. Evil Geniuses managed to find picks, but it was not enough to get a teamfight win. The game broke wide open 21 minutes in when FlyQuest got a 4-0 fight near the drake and secured the first Baron. With it, they pushed towards the enemy base and ended the game in under 25 minutes.

The Start of a Reverse Sweep?

Game 3 started better for Evil Geniuses, who got the first blood and the first drake, but FlyQuest eventually equalized. The teams were neck and neck throughout the mid-game, with EG being a bit stronger early on but Flyquest inching them out after winning several small fights.

Around 35 minutes in, the teams started posturing around the Baron and while FlyQuest started it several times, they never committed. The stand-off ended in a big win for EG some two minutes later when they caught FQ’s veteran AD Carry Jason "WildTurtle" Tran to start off a fight that saw them kill three more just outside the enemy base and then end the game.

Now with a win under their belt, EG played more confidently in the fourth game, targeting the sidelines with a Leblanc-Shen combo. While the game did not see many kills, Evil Geniuses were able to slowly pull ahead and get better objective control. The game seemed to be slipping away from FlyQuest when they collapsed on Greyson Gregory "Goldenglue" Gilmer 29 minutes in, taking a 4-0 in the ensuing fight and the first Baron.

However, EG won the next fight to secure the ocean soul and took over the map, eventually taking a dragon of their own before winning to bring the series to 2:2

Secure the Flying Win

On the cusp of a reverse sweep and with the last game slipping away from them in such dramatic fashion, FlyQuest showed their mettle and started strong in the last game, taking 3 kills in the first 10 minutes and securing the first 3 drakes. Evil Geniuses came back in gold, but 25 minutes in, a clutch steal by FQ jungler Lucas "Santorin" Tao Kilmer Larsen gave his team the infernal soul. The green team took the Baron shortly afterward and with these two powerful buffs, easily dismantled the enemy base for the win.

It was a nerve-wracking series, as FlyQuest started strong only to slip away in the latter half before landing the clutch Game 5. With this, they advance to the next round where they will be playing either Team Liquid or Cloud9. Evil Geniuses, meanwhile, will fight for their playoff survival against 100Thieves on Sunday.


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