Fnatic claw their way to comeback against Misfits Gaming

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Image credit: Riot Games

Misfits were once more smashing Fnatic in the early game only to end up watching the defeat screen when the game is over. How did Fnatic pull off a miracle comeback twice against the same team this split?

The two teams had clashed once in the first week of the season, when Fnatic fell behind early only to recover after a clutch Baron steal - and with the two teams being in the middle of the table and only one win apart, this game was key for both. Fnatic were off to a rocky start as Gabriël "Bwipo" Rau gave First Blood just five minutes in in a top-side gank, then died again a minute later to be set far behind. Fnatic tried to hit back, but time after time their attacks failed. Fifteen minutes into the game, Misfits were over 5K gold ahead and led 7:0 in kills. It took Fnatic over 20 minutes to get a kill and it was all they could do to keep their opponents from the Baron. Misfits did secure the cloud soul but were unable to put Fnatic down.

The game came to a head near the recently spawned Elder drake. Misfits engaged but were unable to kill anyone and instead, Tim "Nemesis" Lipovšek’s Orianna took over the fight, getting a quadra kill in a clean 4:0 that let Fnatic secure both the drake and the Baron.The game was now back to virtually even, but Fnatic had the momentum. When they took two kills 36 minutes in, there was nothing to stop them from taking the game. Once more, Europe’s most decorated team would snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and leave Misfits heartbroken - and with both teams standing at 5:5, the head-to-head advantage would be crucial if they clashed for playoff spots at the end of the split.

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