Fortnite: How to Get Mystique's Shapeshifter Emote & Turn Yourself into Other Players

Fortnite Mystique
Image Credit: Epic Games

Through Fortnite's Battle Pass the Marvel heroes get their own emote by unlocking some tasks. How to unlock Mystique's Shapeshifter emote is shown here.

Mystique, the blue-skinned X-Men anti-hero can use her Shapeshifter emote to transform into the skin of any defeated enemy player.

There are three Mystique Awakens challenges that you must complete to obtain her really cool ability. We've created a guide that takes you through the challenges step by step. So, let's get started!

Use a Phone Booth as Mystique

To complete step one, all you have to do is find a phone booth and use it as a Mystique. The phone booths are located at Dooms Domain and are hard to miss.

Mystique phone booth
Step insdie and a make call! (Image Credit: Epic Games)

As Mystique: Inflict Damage with Pistols

For task two you have to deal damage to enemies as Mystique with pistols of different rarity. You probably have no choice but to search for them, although the spawn rate of pistols in Fortnite is quite high. These are the following rarities:

  • Grey: Common
  • Green: Uncommon
  • Blue: Rare
  • Purple: Epic
  • Orange: Legendary

Once you have found three, you can now do damage to enemies. A little tip: The Stark Robots or Doom's Henchmen also count toward damage dealt.

Mystique pistols
Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang! (Image Credit: Epic Games)

Use an Emote as Mystique After You Have Eliminated an Opponent!

The last challenge is again quite easy. You only have to eliminate one player, open the emote wheel, and select the only emote available. Now you have unlocked the emote and can always turn into a copy of the player you just killed. A true Shapeshifter, you now are!

Week 7 challenges can be found in our Fortnite section. You can also read more about gaming and esports on EarlyGame.

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...