Epic Disables Emotes During March Through Time Event

March Through Time Event
Is anyone surprised by how quick emotes were disabled? | © Epic Games

Of course, we can’t have nice things these days. Of course, trolls just have to play it up and ruin things. This is exactly what happened during the March Through Time Event in Fortnite, where Epic had to disable their emotes due to players abusing them during the event.

The event is a collaboration between Fortnite and Time Magazine in which players can walk through a museum and interact with it. For this event-specific emotes were created, but players could choose to use any other emotes in the museum as well, which was quickly put to a stop.

More Fortnite News:

What is the March Through Time Event?

Throughout the March Through Time Event players are able to walk around and learn about important moments of history, an attempt to bring history to the forefront where the young fan base of Fortnite might actually pay attention.

In the background Martin Luther King Jr. is holding his famous ‘I have a Dream' speech, while players walk around, dancing and throwing out emotes the whole time. Is that educational? Probably not.

So of course Epic did what they had to do.

Why did Epic Games Disable Emotes during the March Through Time Event?

As just mentioned, much of the ‘educational’ part of this event seemed to be lost on the fan base. Many were disrespectful, dancing and emoting throughout the event instead of trying to take something from it. Therefore, Epic had to take a stance and disable all emotes throughout the event.

The only emotes allowed are the eight which were included from the get-go for the event. Hopefully, now players will be able to learn something from this event featuring Martin Luther King. Jr.

Why did Epic Games Create The March Through Time Event?

This event is meant to “Celebrate the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”. Throughout the March Through Time Event, players are transported to the Lincoln Memorial and United States National Mall, where Dr. King had given his famous speech on equal and civil rights.

Throughout the museum, players have to work together in collaborative mini-games to progress. According to Epic, this experience is supposed to highlight the important themes of Dr. King’s speech — we move forward when we work together.

Sadly this hasn’t hit home yet for many players who would rather dance and goof about before the memorial in an online game. Therefore the emotes were disabled, to keep players focused on the message and tasks at hand.

Thankfully Epic acted swiftly to disable the unwanted emotes in the event.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....