Why Did This Fortnite Streamer Destroy His Monitor?

Fortnite streamer
Did you really have to do that? (Credit: Kr4m)

It's never nice to be a loser. Especially not when you have money invested in the game. Fortnite streamer TNA Jeff had to experience exactly that when destroyed his monitor after losing a bet.

Imagine: you're comfortably playing a round of Fortnite, and you just want to win. You have the perfect strategy worked out, and everything is going as planned... until some b**tard comes out of nowhere, leaving your corpse bleeding out on the ground.

Han solo u mad bro

You might feel like throwing the controller against the wall, or punching the wall. But you are probably not like this dude, who actually ruined his f**king monitor.

Here's what it looked like after Jeff went on his rampage. He lost a round in Fortnite, and just wrecked his monitor. Does this guy have aggression problems, or just way too much money?

Angry panda

Well, it turns out that TNA Jeff bet on his victory before the game. Ah, well, that explains it... Hang on, he only bet $2! What the f**k is wrong with this guy? Well, if you want to watch a grown man behave like a toddler, then check out his tantrum below:

We're not really sure why Jeff got so stressed out over such a minor bet – perhaps trouble at home? That being said, it seems pretty bizarre, maybe he should get some rest. Stop playing Fortnite, dude, it is clearly stressing you out. Maybe go check out Animal Crossing. It's a bit more relaxing...


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Original article was written by Laura Pippig.

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...