Where To Collect Parenting Books in Fortnite Season 7

Where To Collect Parenting Books in Fortnite Season 7
Follow our guide and get the books the easy way! | © Epic Games

If you want to get the maximum out of your Fortnite Season 7 battle pass, then you'll have to complete as many challenges as possible.

The challenges for Week 7 of Season 7 in Fortnite are already live, and you'll be able to complete most of the epic quests without even realizing it. The legendary challenges are a different deal. One of them requires you to "Collect parenting books from Holly Hatchery or Retail Row". Here's our quick guide.

How To Collect Parenting Books in Fortnite Season 7

This week's theme for the legendary challenges is all about alien eggs. You'll basically have to raise one, and to do so, you'll need a parenting book. You'll be able to find the parenting books scattered in Retail Row and Holly Hatchery.

In order to complete the challenge, you'll have to find a total of two books. There are a total of eight split between the two locations, so completing the challenge in a single game is definitely feasible.

Where To Find Parenting Books in Fortnite Season 7

As we've mentioned, the parenting books are found in Retail Row and Holly Hatchery. Don't waste your time and check their exact locations below.

Holly hatchery parenting books fortnite season 7 week 7 legendary challenge
All the parenting books in Holly Hatchery. | © Fortnite.gg
  • East green house – on the first floor near a bookcase
  • Grey brick house in the centre – near the bookcase with a garden gnome on it
  • Northeast brown house – next to the fridge in the garage
  • Northwest yellow house – next to a bookcase in the middle of the ground floor
Retail row parenting books fortnite season 7 week 7 legendary challenge
All the parenting books in Retail Row. | © Fortnite.gg
  • Northwest blue house – in the living room
  • Inside the western steel cage – inside the steel cage near the dumpsters
  • Middle house opposite of Taco shop – in the living room
  • Inside the bookstore – next to the register

Follow our directions, and you'll have no trouble finding the parenting books! Once you find a parenting book, just collect it with the interact button.

Keep in mind that It's a legendary challenge, so it'll only be available until next Thursday. That's it for the "Collect parenting books from Holly Hatchery or Retail Row" challenge. Upon completion, you'll be rewarded with 30,000 XP for your efforts.

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Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...