G2 Esports Defeat Fnatic (Again)

FN Cv G2 0108 bg1
Image credit: Riot Games

Both teams were 7-7 before this game, but on the Rift the difference was clean. G2 smashed Fnatic and now have a 7-0 record against their rivals for this year. Could we see Fnatic not making playoffs for the first time in LEC history?

The final game of the week featured the two spring finalists and most decorated teams in the LEC, G2 Esports and Fnatic.These big name teams had a poor split and were firmly in the middle of the pack with a 7-7 record with just four more games to go. The game started with an early kill for Fnatic in the bot lane and they were close to getting a second shortly afterwards only to lose one instead as Oskar "Selfmade" Boderek went too far to try and secure a kill. G2 took several fights in the early game and amassed a growing lead, a lot of it off Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski’s powerful Volibear. Fnatic’s attempts to get picks or salvage fights only saw them slip further behind and at the 20-minute mark, they were already 3.5K gold behind and with no way to keep Rasmus "Caps" Winther’s Leblanc in check. G2’s vision control and burst potential let them slowly take over the map.

Fnatic looked to have found a way in 31 minutes in as they nearly killed Caps but the rest of G2 arrived, instead getting a pick on Fnatic’s support. Despite the 4v5, Selfmade went in to get a kill only to be quickly killed, giving G2 an easy Baron. With it, they picked apart the Fnatic base before getting a win just before the 35-minute mark. Now at 8-7, G2 share a third place with SK Gaming and even more importantly finally look on form before the upcoming Super Week. Fnatic, meanwhile, mark a 0-2 week and run a serious risk of not making playoffs - something that appears unthinkable about this team but is now very close to happening if the spring finalists underperform during the Super Week.

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