G2 Esports smash Fnatic in the LEC Summer Split's Week 3 showdown

G2win BG
Image credit: Riot Games

The LEC's most successful teams have had many close games – but also the occasional stomp. Their latest game was definitely in the latter category as G2 made it look like we were back in the Spring finals. Fnatic went down like a sack of potatoes.

Despite being by far the best teams in the spring, both teams had a rocky start to the summer. G2 lost two of their three games in the opening week before stumbling against SK Gaming on Friday, while Fnatic was on a three-game losing streak after their 3:0 superweek. One of these teams would have a 0:2 week, but which?

A bit too much early aggression from G2

G2 were the more aggressive team in the early game and it almost came back to bite them 6 minutes in as they went too far to get a kill and were chased back.

Fnatic went too far, however, and while they got the first blood, G2 rallied and took three kills in the cleanup. Already having a better early game, G2 pushed this advantage and by the 15-minute mark, they were already 4K gold ahead.

An effort was made

Fnatic tried to stall but three minutes later, they started a fight that went horribly for them as Martin "Wunder" Hansen’s Mordekaiser used his ult to remove the enemy frontline, letting his team run amok in the backline for a 5:1 ace. LEC's most decorated team was left floundering and too far behind to fight. Another ace 24 minutes in let G2 end the game in a commanding fashion.

This was more than just another win for G2. After a troublesome loss to SK Gaming on Friday, they bounced back with gusto and showed impressive resiliency For Fnatic, this is another cause for concern. The team has lost four games in a row and is now sharing a 7-8th place with Team Vitality. While they are not too far ahead from the upper half of the table, a negative win-loss record cannot sit well with their many fans - or with the players themselves.


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