Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 1.2 Release Date Delayed

Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1 2
Do you feel bad for them yet? (Credit: CD Projekt Red)

The Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.2 is delayed due to the cyberattack earlier this month. What were the changes, and when will it come out now? Find out here.

CD Projekt Red just can’t catch a break. After the cyberattack that hit the studio earlier this month, the long-awaited patch 1.2 that was supposed to fix even more problems is being delayed.

And we’re not talking about a few days here, unfortunately.

As you can see here, CD Projekt Red was seemingly looking forward to releasing patch 1.2 that was supposed to make the game so much better. Talk about saving face and all that. But with the cyberattack, that won’t happen.

When Will Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Be Released?

The devs took to Twitter again to announce that they are now aiming to release this major patch in the second half of March, meaning a release for patch 1.2 between March 15th and March 31st.

It’s not ideal and those that haven’t given up on the game were probably really looking forward to this patch that was supposed to fix so much. But it’s better this way, since a lot is on the line for the company, even if it’s becoming increasingly harder for them to please their audience.

If you're feeling bad for CDPR, maybe don't look at the replies their tweets are getting...

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You know what won't be delayed, though? Our MyEarlyGame giveaway for this month, so make sure you check that out!

Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....