New Details on Battlefield 6 Multiplayer & Battle Royale

Battlefield 6 Battle Royale Multiplayer Details
Will the Battle Royale mode feature drones and other futuristic war-gadgets? Would be pretty cool... (Credit: Aaron Beck/Instagram)

Battlefield 6 – or Battlefield, as it will supposedly be called – is nearing its Spring reveal date. Along the way, news and leaks keep dropping, and we just got the latest scoop for you: Details on the Battlefield 6 Multiplayer and its Battle Royale mode.

If you need to catch up on all things Battlefield 6, we got the perfect coverage for you right here:

Battlefield6 Art
What was blimps in the last Battlefield might be futuristic air carriers in Battlefield 6. (Credit: US Army)

Battlefield 6 Battle Royale & Multiplayer Details

The Battle Royale experience in Battlefield 6 will be quite different from Firestorm. Why? Well... if you're asking that question you must not have played Firestorm. EA have learned from their mistakes and will also give the Battle Royale an entirely new name. Mind you that Battlefield 6's Battle Royale is rumored to be a standalone free-to-play, so it might stand as its own IP – similar to Warzone and Call of Duty:

Battlefield 6 Battle Royale Multiplayer Details
We can probably expect modern war gadgets like this in Battlefield 6's Battle Royale. (Credit: US Army)

Battlefield 6 Multiplayer & Battle Royale Features

According to Tom Henderson, players will still have four different types of soldiers at their disposal. This time around though, soldiers won't differentiate themselves by their gadgets, but rather by their abilities. Seems like Battlefield 6's Battle Royale is taking a page out of Overwatch's & Valorant's books. Or... just doing something similar to Call of Duty Perks, but we wanted to go with a more creative comparison for once.

As an example, Henderson writes that "a Scout soldier might have silent footsteps, whereas an Assault soldier might be able to sprint for a longer duration." Yup, actually sounds much more like CoD's perks than Valorant or Overwatch, but we stand by our poor comparison, so we won't delete it.

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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....