This Guy Beat The Hardest Game Ever While Blindfolded

During Awesome Games Done Quick 2022, something incredible happened. The speedrunner Mitchriz beat one of the hardest games ever... while blindfolded.

This Guy Beat The Hardest Game Ever While Blindfolded
A legend in the making... | © GDQ/From Software/EarlyGame

We all think we are the absolute hotness on a controller, don't we? Especially in our favorite games, ones we have played for countless hours, we are the absolute kings and queens of that shizz. And if you, like me, really believe that about yourself, it's time to knock you down a peg. Because no-one is as skilled at video games as speedrunners and one of them now stands tall above everyone else... Mitchriz.

This Guy Beat The Hardest Game Ever While Blindfolded

No, this title is not clickbait. During Awesome Games Done Quick 2022, an annual event where speedrunners do incredible things to collect money for charity, Mitchriz beat Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, one of the hardest games ever made, while blindfolded. Yes, that sounds too good to be true. But sometimes, it do be true anyway.

I love Games Done Quick for stuff like this. Most of the speedruns are simply incredible, but this one really takes the crown. Together with fellow Sekiro-speedruners, Mitchriz spent literal years developing a perfect route through the game and remembered it all so he could runwithout seeing literally anything. Again, this game is so hard, that I couldn't beat it and I finished every Soulsborne game at least twice. And he just goes and does that. Simply incredible, puts us all to shame really.

If you still don't believe me, despite me promising you that it happened, describing it in detail and including a header image that clearly shows what's happening... I don't know if you can be helped. In case you need more convincing, or just want to watch this absolute beast of a man actually accomplish this feat, then watch the whole run down here:

Faris Delalic

Faris has been obsessed with gaming since his childhood and is now the Gaming lead at EarlyGame. He is a self-described FromSoftware shill, but also loves games like Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3 and Resident Evil 4....