Gen.G Take Down T1 for the Last Spot in Shanghai

Gen.G make it back to Worlds this year (Image credit: LCK Flickr)

The final Korean team for the 2020 League of Legends World Championship was decided this morning as Gen.G faced off against T1 in the final best-of-five of their season. Gen.G dominated the rift with a decisive 3-0.

Nobody would have imagined the Spring Champions to go down so easily, but Gen.G showed great poise throughout each game of the series, coming back from deficits, and playing smartly to outwork T1.

Game 1

Game 1 started off rather even with both teams making mistakes, players being caught out and killed quickly. It wasn’t until the sixteenth minute that the game began to pick up – all in good LCK fashion. Gen.G’s carry mid-laner Gwak “BDD” Boseong had a fed 4/0/1 Azir by this point who easily one-shot anyone on the T1 roster and thus began to run off with the game.

By the 21st minute, Gen.G managed to break open T1’s base with the Rift Herald. Everything was going Gen.G’s way, T1 seemed to make a comeback with a Baron play at 23 minutes and managed to breathe some life into the storied organization. It wasn’t until the 27th minute that Gen.G got their groove back thanks to BDD as well as ADC Park “Ruler” Jaehyuk who wiped out T1 and moved forward to win the game.

Geng G Ruler
Gen.G Ruler after a win during the regular season (Image credit: LCK Flickr)

Game 2

Game 2 wasn’t much different. Gen.G started off strong and wobbled a little in the mid-game with mistakes swaying the match into the favor of Faker and co, only to catch themselves and completely overrun T1 who just had no answer to BDD and his tanky Sett.

This game also showed why Gen.G’s ADC Ruler was chosen to be on the All-LCK team – as the only player not from Damwon Gaming. He showed off his prowess on his famous Ezreal, getting a Quadruple kill – almost a Penta – which basically opened the game and led to Gen.G taking and winning the game at 31 minutes.

Game 3

The final game of the night was the fastest of the bunch. Gen.G gained confidence thanks to their previous two wins and made T1 seem almost like a bunch of amateurs at times. The black and gold managed to control almost all neutral objectives, gaining Mountain Soul at 24 minutes which only enabled their comp to snowball even further

After a Dragon fight, during which T1 was downright crushed due to their item disparity, Gen.G merely had to pick off their opponents one-by-one and then march down into T1’s base, winning the game within 27 minutes.

This makes Gen.G the third and final team representing the LCK to go to Shanghai for the 2020 World Championship. They will not have to play in the play-in stage and are heading straight to the main event, due to the Vietnamese teams not participating.

Did you follow the LCK regional gauntlet and were you shocked that Faker won't be representing Korea this coming fall? Let us know on our Twitter and Facebook!

For more information on how the LCS and LEC finals went keep reading on EarlyGame.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....