GTA 5 Voice Actor Swatted Again On Stream

Ned Luke, voice of the iconic GTA 5 character Michael De Santa, has been swatted for the sixth time. For whatever reason, someone keeps messing with the voice actor.

GTA 5 Voice Actor Swatted
The GTA V voice actor for Michael De Santa keeps getting swatted while streaming. | © Rockstar

Ned Luke is an American actor who has appeared in 29 movies and TV shows, but he's most well-known for being the voice behind Michael De Santa in GTA V. If you (somehow) haven't played the game yet, he's one of the three protagonists, and Luke did an excellent job portraying him.

Since GTA V's release Ned Luke has become increasingly active in the game's community, and has hosted several Twitch streams playing GTA Online. But, unfortunately, someone has been "swatting" Ned Luke during these streams.

"Swatting" is a form of harassment that involves calling the police and making a false accusation against someone while providing their address. The police will then send officers to investigate (sometimes they send a SWAT team, hence the name "swatting"), and the innocent person will be forced to diffuse the situation and clear their name. 

This is often done to victims who are live-streaming, so that the perpetrators can watch the police arrive and interrupt the stream. It's a very dangerous practice and has resulted in at least one fatality, 28-year-old Andrew Finch who died in 2017. 

Ned Luke Swatted For Sixth Time

In a series of Tweets the voice of GTA V's Michael, Ned Luke, described how he had been swatted, yet again. Luckily, the authorities now have evidence to use agains the perpetrator:

This is the SIXTH time we have been swatted, but points for originality, this time they sent the fire department.The authorities are on the trail, and have some significant evidence in hand that hopefully will lead to this paste eating clowns' mom's basement

As he also revealed in the Tweets, it hasn't just been swatting, but other forms of harassment as well:

These occurances...the pizzas...the taxis...the locksmith...the swattings...the phone calls at all hours of the night...the level of their irrelevance is only eclipsed by the irrelevance of the people phoning this shit in

We can confirm that no one was hurt in this situation, but we're hoping the authorities catch the swatter soon. This kind of harassment goes far beyond a "prank", and is, besides being incredibly dangerous, a waste of police time.

As Luke reminds us in his post, let's not feed the perpetrator too much attention. Instead, we should focus on getting "ready for six", which is apparently "gonna be epic".

GTA 6 Reveal
"Can you see it? GTA 6, out there on the horizon!" | © Rockstar

Who knows, Ned Luke might even appear in GTA 6? Surely at least a cameo.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....