Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates, Elite Enemies & Rift Anchor Locations

In this guide, I share the locations of all Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crates in Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human and the Rift Anchor and Elite Enemies locations.

Once Human Blackfell Oil Field
Here's a 100% Exploration guide for Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human. | © NetEase Games / EarlyGame

If you are trying to complete the Explore Blacfell Oil Fields Settlement Exploration quest in Once Human but don't know where to find the Mystical, Weapon or Gear Crates, the Elite Enemies or the Rift Anchors, then look no further, I've got you covered.

The Blackfell Oil Fields is one of the key locations in the Red Sands region of Nalcott Island in Once Human. Players mostly use it for farming Fuel and other key items and resources, such as Acids.

That said, similar to any other POI in the game, when you enter the Blackfell Oil Fields, you will automatically trigger a Settlement Exploration quest called Explore Blacfell Oil Fields.

So, keep reading as in this guide, I share the location of Mystical Crate, Elite Enemies and everything you need to complete the quest and 100% explore the area.

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Weapon Crate Locations

There are two Weapon Crates that you can find in the Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human:

Location 1

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Weapon Crate 1 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Weapon Crate 1
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The first Weapon Crate is located in the southeast part of the area, inside a warehouse that you can find by heading to the player icon location as shown in the above map screenshot or by heading to the coordinates 5445, -1548.

Location 2

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Weapon Crate 2 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Weapon Crate 2
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The second Weapon Crate is on the platform on top of the Oil Storage in the middle of the Blackfell Oil Fields area.

Head to the player icon location or the coordinates 5256, -1549 and use your vehicle, nearby ladder or double jump to reach the platform with the Weapon Crate.

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Gear Crate Locations

Similar to Weapon Crates, there are a total of two Gear Crates that you can find in the Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human:

Location 1

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Gear Crate 1 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Gear Crate 1
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The first Gear Crate is on top of the platform near the crude oil processing facility at the coordinates 5423, -1613.

Make your way to the player icon location shown in the above map screenshot, and climb up the platform using the houses below.

Once again, you can spawn your vehicle, use double jump or the nearby ladder to reach the platform.

Location 2

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Gear Crate 2 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Gear Crate 2
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The second Gear Crate is located on top of the roof of a building found in the northwest part of the map at coordinates 5198, -1433.

You can use the player icon location as a reference to reach the Gear Crate's location.

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Elite Enemies Locations

There are two Elite Enemies with fixed spawns and one Elite Enemy that you can spawn by activating the Blackfell Oil Field using the keycards.

Location 1

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Elite Enemy 1 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Elite Enemy 1
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The first Elite Enemy is located in the southeast part of the Blackfell Oil Fields facility that you can reach by heading to the coordinates 5399, -1574.

You can also use the player icon location in the above map screenshot to reach the Elite Enemy's location.

Location 2

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Elite Enemy 2 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Elite Enemy 2
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The second Elite Enemy is a Cervitaur, who can be found on the northwest side of the Blackfell Oil Fields at the coordinates 5186, -1446.

Special Location

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Special Elite Enemy
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The third Elite Enemy is the Chagas Weevil, whom you can spawn by activating the Oil Field using the respective keycard.

Chagas Weevil always spawns when the processing is around 70~75% complete.

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Rift Anchor Locations

There are two Rift Anchors that you can find at the Blackfell Oil Fields. Since their icons appear on the map, they are easy to locate. Still, for the sake of the 100% exploration guide, I have shared their locations with the coordinates below.

Location 1

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Rift Anchor Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Rift Anchor
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The first Rift Anchor at the Blackfell Oil Fields is in the power grid located on the northside of the facility at the coordinates 5292, -1389.

Location 2

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Rift Anchor 2 Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Rift Anchor 2
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The second Rift Anchor is located in the eastern part of the Blackfell Oil Fields facility at the coordinates 5503, -1569.

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Mystical Crate Locations

Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Mystical Crate Location
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame
Once Human Blackfell Oil Fields Mystical Crate
© NetEase Games / EarlyGame

The Mystical Crate at the Blackfell Oil Fields is on top of one of the Oil Storage silos that you can find southeast part of the facility near the Rift Anchor. The exact coordinates of the Mystical Crate are 5490, -1565.

Hritwik Raj
Hritwik Raj